Vielen Dank funktioniert wieder und Sorry noch mal für den falschen Code.
Beiträge von Fritz80
Sorry, mir ist gerade aufgefallen, dass ich den falschen Code reingestellt habe, hier kommt der richtige, der bei mir nicht mehr funktioniert.
Alles anzeigen/* Statusleiste für Firefox */ // // entwickelt von aborix (function() { if (location.href !== 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml') return; var css =` #new-toolbar { height: 28px; direction: rtl; -moz-window-dragging: drag; /* border-top: 1px solid black !important; background-color: rgba(0,0,0,0) !important; color: black !important; */ } #statuspanel { bottom: -3px !important; left: -148px !important; height: 20px !important; max-width: 20% !important; transition: none !important; } #statuspanel-label{ margin-top: 1px !important; margin-bottom: 5px !important; background:#FFFFFF!important; border: none !important; font: 15px Arial Rounded MT Bold !important; font-weight: normal !important; color: black !important; } `; var sss = Cc[';1'].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService); var uri = makeURI('data:text/css;charset=UTF=8,' + encodeURIComponent(css)); sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET); var tb = document.createXULElement('toolbar'); = 'new-toolbar'; tb.setAttribute('customizable', true); tb.setAttribute('mode', 'icons'); tb.setAttribute("context","toolbar-context-menu"); var vbox = document.createXULElement('vbox'); document.getElementById('navigator-toolbox').parentNode.parentNode.insertBefore( vbox, document.getElementById('browser-bottombox')); = ''; vbox.appendChild(tb); CustomizableUI.registerArea('new-toolbar', {legacy: true}); CustomizableUI.registerToolbarNode(tb); })(); setTimeout(function() { if (window.__SSi == 'window0') return; let tabbar = document.getElementById('TabsToolbar'); let tab = gBrowser.selectedTab; = '-moz-box'; duplicateTabIn(tab, 'tab'); gBrowser.moveTabTo(gBrowser.selectedTab, tab._tPos); gBrowser.removeTab(tab); = ''; }, 1500);
Mein Script funktioniert nicht mehr seit dem Update Fx 119.
Kann mal jemand drüber schauen.
Alles anzeigen// 'Alternative search bar' script for Firefox 102+ by Aris // // Thanks to UndeadStar (aka BoomerangAide) for Fx 69+ improvements // // // Thanks to samehb (aka Sameh Barakat) for Fx 68-75+ improvements // // // Thanks to anomiex for the setIcon workaround on Fx 77+ // // // Thanks to 117649 for the Fx107+ fix // // // Idea based on 'search revert' script by '2002Andreas': // // // Initial "old search" script ported from old Firefox versions by Aris // // // Feature (not optional): search glass is always visible at search bars end (like with "old" search) // Feature (not optional): search button shows current search engines icon (like with "old" search) // Feature (not optional): search buttons dropmarker is always visible (like with "old" search) // // Option: clear search input after search // Option: revert to first search engine in list after search // Option: old search engine selection popup // Option: hide 'add engines' '+' indicator // Option: hide 'oneoff' search engines (engines at popups bottom) // Option: hide placeholder text 'Search' // Option: swap the icons of search engine button and go button // Option: show icons and search engine names instead of only icons // Option: select search engine by scrolling mouse wheel over search bars button // [!] Default browser feature: search engine can be changed inside default/modern popup by right-clicking // search icon and selecting 'Set As Default Search Engine' menuitem. // Configuration area - start (all 'false' by default) var clear_searchbar_after_search = true; // clear input after search (true) or not (false) var revert_to_first_engine_after_search = false; // revert to first engine (true) or not (false) var old_search_engine_selection_popup = false; // show old search engine selection popup (true) or not (false) var select_engine_by_scrolling_over_button = false; // select search engine by scrolling mouse wheel over search bars button (true) or not (false) var select_engine_by_click_oneoffs_button = false; // select search engine by left-clicking search icon (true) or not (false) var hide_oneoff_search_engines = false; // hide 'one off' search engines (true) or not (false) var hide_addengines_plus_indicator = false; // hide add engines '+' sign (true) or not (false) var hide_placeholder = false; // hide placeholder (true) or not (false) var switch_glass_and_engine_icon = false; // swap icons of search engine button and go button (true) or not (false) var show_search_engine_names = false; // show search engine names (true) or not (false) var show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar = false; // show search engine names with scrollbars (true) or not (false) var show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_height = '170px'; // higher values show more search engines var initialization_delay_value = 0; // some systems might require a higher value than '1' second (=1000ms) and on some even '0' is enough var searchsettingslabel = "Change Search Settings"; // Configuration area - end var isInCustomize = 1; //start at 1 to set it once at startup var appversion = parseInt(Services.appinfo.version); var AltSearchbar = { init: async function() { await; if (location != 'chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml') return; window.removeEventListener("load", AltSearchbar.init, false); try { var searchbar = document.getElementById("searchbar"); var appversion = parseInt(Services.appinfo.version); if(!old_search_engine_selection_popup) updateStyleSheet(); if(hide_placeholder) hideSearchbarsPlaceholder(); if(select_engine_by_scrolling_over_button) selectEngineByScrollingOverButton(); if(old_search_engine_selection_popup) createOldSelectionPopup(); if (select_engine_by_click_oneoffs_button) selectEngineByClickOneoffsButton(); // select search engine by scrolling mouse wheel over search bars button function selectEngineByScrollingOverButton() { searchbar.addEventListener("DOMMouseScroll", (event) => { if (event.originalTarget.classList.contains("searchbar-search-button")) { searchbar.selectEngine(event, event.detail > 0); } }, true); }; // left click on off select engine function selectEngineByClickOneoffsButton() { var searchoneoffs = searchbar.textbox.popup.oneOffButtons; searchoneoffs.container.addEventListener("click", (event) => { if (!(event instanceof KeyboardEvent) && (event.button == 0)) { event.stopPropagation();"search-one-offs-context-set-default"); searchoneoffs._contextEngine =; searchoneoffs._on_command(event); searchoneoffs._contextEngine = null; // let contextEngine =; // let currentEngine = searchbar.currentEngine; // if (!searchoneoffs.getAttribute("includecurrentengine")) { // // Make the target button of the context menu reflect the current // // search engine first. Doing this as opposed to rebuilding all the // // one-off buttons avoids flicker. // let button = searchoneoffs._buttonForEngine(contextEngine); // = searchoneoffs._buttonIDForEngine(currentEngine); // let uri = "chrome://browser/skin/search-engine-placeholder.png"; // if (currentEngine.iconURI) { // uri = currentEngine.iconURI.spec; // } // button.setAttribute("image", uri); // button.setAttribute("tooltiptext",; // button.engine = currentEngine; // } // searchbar.currentEngine = contextEngine; } }, true); }; // hide placeholder function hideSearchbarsPlaceholder() { searchbar.getElementsByClassName('searchbar-textbox')[0].removeAttribute("placeholder"); }; function attachOldPopupToButton(e) { if(isInCustomize == 1) { setTimeout(function () { searchbar.getElementsByClassName("searchbar-search-button")[0].setAttribute("popup", "searchbuttonpopup"); }, initialization_delay_value); } if(isInCustomize > 0) isInCustomize--; } // old search selection popup async function createOldSelectionPopup() { searchbar.engines = await; window.addEventListener("beforecustomization", function(e) { isInCustomize++; }, false); window.addEventListener("aftercustomization", attachOldPopupToButton, false); // set new search engine searchbar.setNewSearchEngine = function(index) { searchbar.currentEngine = searchbar.engines[index]; updateStyleSheet(); }; // create search popup searchbuttonpopup = document.createXULElement("menupopup"); searchbuttonpopup.setAttribute("id", "searchbuttonpopup"); searchbuttonpopup.setAttribute("width", searchbar.getBoundingClientRect().width - 6 ); searchbuttonpopup.setAttribute("position", "after_start"); try { var hidden_list = Services.prefs.getStringPref(""); hidden_list = hidden_list ? hidden_list.split(",") : []; for (var i = 0; i <= searchbar.engines.length - 1; ++i) { if(!hidden_list.includes(searchbar.engines[i].name)) { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem");; menuitem.setAttribute("label", searchbar.engines[i].name); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", searchbar.engines[i].name); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic searchbar-engine-menuitem menuitem-with-favicon"); if (searchbar.engines[i] == searchbar.currentEngine) menuitem.setAttribute("selected", "true"); if (searchbar.engines[i].iconURI) menuitem.setAttribute("image",searchbar.engines[i].iconURI.spec); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "document.getElementById('searchbar').setNewSearchEngine("+i+")"); searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(menuitem); } } menuseparator_om = document.createXULElement("menuseparator"); searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(menuseparator_om); menuitem_om = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); menuitem_om.setAttribute("label", searchsettingslabel); menuitem_om.setAttribute("class", "open-engine-manager"); menuitem_om.setAttribute("oncommand", "openPreferences('search');"); searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(menuitem_om); updateStyleSheet(); } catch(exc) { console.log("Exception AltSearchbar: " + exc); } document.getElementById("mainPopupSet").appendChild(searchbuttonpopup); // adjust popup width setTimeout(function(){ document.getElementById('searchbuttonpopup').setAttribute("width", document.getElementById("searchbar").getBoundingClientRect().width); },1000); var observer_width = new MutationObserver(function(mutations,observer) { observer.disconnect(); try { document.getElementById('searchbuttonpopup').setAttribute("width", document.getElementById("searchbar").getBoundingClientRect().width ); } catch(e){} observer.observe(document.getElementById('search-container'), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['width'] }); observer.observe(document.getElementById('main-window'), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['sizemode'] }); }); try { observer_width.observe(document.getElementById('search-container'), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['width'] }); observer_width.observe(document.getElementById('main-window'), { attributes: true, attributeFilter: ['sizemode'] }); } catch(e){} // restore "add search engine" menuitem // attach new popup to search bars search button try { attachOldPopupToButton(); } catch(e) { console.log("AltSearchbar: Failed to attach new popup to search bar search button"); } // Refresh the script's search popup (searchbuttonpopup) with any changes made to search engines/options. async function updateEngines() { var i; try { searchbuttonpopup = document.getElementById("searchbuttonpopup"); searchbar.engines = await; try { while (searchbuttonpopup.childNodes[0].tagName.toLowerCase() != "menuseparator") searchbuttonpopup.removeChild(searchbuttonpopup.firstChild); var separator = searchbuttonpopup.childNodes[0]; var hidden_list = Services.prefs.getStringPref(""); hidden_list = hidden_list ? hidden_list.split(",") : []; for (i = 0; i <= searchbar.engines.length - 1; ++i) { if (!hidden_list.includes(searchbar.engines[i].name)) { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem");; menuitem.setAttribute("label", searchbar.engines[i].name); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic searchbar-engine-menuitem menuitem-with-favicon"); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", searchbar.engines[i].name); if (searchbar.engines[i] == searchbar.currentEngine) menuitem.setAttribute("selected", "true"); if (searchbar.engines[i].iconURI) menuitem.setAttribute("image", searchbar.engines[i].iconURI.spec); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "document.getElementById('searchbar').setNewSearchEngine(" + i + ")"); searchbuttonpopup.insertBefore(menuitem, separator); } } updateStyleSheet(); } catch (exc) { console.log(exc); } } catch (exc) { console.log("update altbar exc: " + exc); } } // Used to observe modifications made to search engines. We are only interested in the addition and removal of engines. Services.obs.addObserver(function observer(subject, topic, data) { // If a search engine/option is added or removed, we need to refresh the script's popup. We use updateEngines() to do that. if (data == "engine-added" || data == "engine-removed" || data == "engine-changed") { updateEngines(); } }, "browser-search-engine-modified"); // Observe the enabling and disabling of search engines, and update the search popup. Services.prefs.addObserver("", function observer(subject, topic, data) { updateEngines(); }); // Used to create an add engine item and append it into the script's search popup (searchbuttonpopup). This is the option // that is displayed as "Add enginename" e.g. Add DuckDuckGo. function createAddEngineItem(e) { try {, arguments.callee); searchbuttonpopup = document.getElementById("searchbuttonpopup"); while (searchbuttonpopup.lastChild.classList.contains("custom-addengine-item")) { searchbuttonpopup.removeChild(searchbuttonpopup.lastChild); } setTimeout(function () { //setTimeout fix an issue where labels don't get displayed let native_popup_search_add_items_collection = document.getElementsByClassName("searchbar-engine-one-off-add-engine"); var native_popup_search_add_items = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < native_popup_search_add_items_collection.length; i++) { if(!native_popup_search_add_items_collection[i].parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.parentElement.hasAttribute("class")) { native_popup_search_add_items.push(native_popup_search_add_items_collection[i]); } } if (native_popup_search_add_items.length != 0) { if (searchbuttonpopup.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase() != "menuseparator") { searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menuseparator")); searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menuseparator")); } for(i = 0; i < native_popup_search_add_items.length; i++) { menuitem = document.createXULElement("menuitem"); menuitem.setAttribute("label", native_popup_search_add_items[i].getAttribute("label")); menuitem.setAttribute("class", "menuitem-iconic searchbar-engine-menuitem menuitem-with-favicon custom-addengine-item"); menuitem.setAttribute("tooltiptext", native_popup_search_add_items[i].getAttribute("label")); menuitem.setAttribute("uri", native_popup_search_add_items[i].getAttribute("uri")); menuitem.setAttribute("data-id", native_popup_search_add_items[i].id); menuitem.setAttribute("oncommand", "document.getElementById(\"" + native_popup_search_add_items[i].id + "\").click();"); if (native_popup_search_add_items[i].hasAttribute("image")) menuitem.setAttribute("image", native_popup_search_add_items[i].getAttribute("image")); searchbuttonpopup.appendChild(menuitem); }; } else { while (searchbuttonpopup.lastChild.tagName.toLowerCase() == "menuseparator") searchbuttonpopup.removeChild(searchbuttonpopup.lastChild); } }, 0 ); } catch (exc) { console.log("custom addengine exc: " + exc); } } searchbar.addEventListener("mousedown", (event) => { var defaultPopup = document.getElementById("PopupSearchAutoComplete"); // Browser's default search popup. var scriptPopup = document.getElementById("searchbuttonpopup"); var addEngineItem = document.getElementsByClassName("custom-addengine-item")[0]; var searchButton = document.getElementsByClassName("searchbar-search-button")[0]; // hasAddEnginesAttribute == true means there is a search engine provided by the page, for us to add using "Add enginename." // You will see a green plus badge on the search button icon, if that is the case. var hasAddEnginesAttribute = searchButton.hasAttribute("addengines"); // Skip clicks on the search button until searchbuttonpopup is available. Disable propagation, too. if (!scriptPopup) { event.stopPropagation(); return; } = "visible"; // If the user clicks on any element on the search bar except the search text. if ("class") != "searchbar-textbox") { // In case the default search popup is shown, hide it. defaultPopup.hidePopup(); // Propagation causes PopupSearchAutoComplete to be shown, which in turn causes search-add-engines to be populated. // We monitor the PopupSearchAutoComplete and after it is shown, we use createAddEngineItem() to create the add // engine item and populate the script's popup (searchbuttonpopup). Propagation causes PopupSearchAutoComplete to be // displayed with searchbuttonpopup, at the same time (when the user clicks the search button). Displaying // PopupSearchAutoComplete with every search button click is inefficient. We allow propagation only when it is needed, // and we set the PopupSearchAutoComplete visibility to collapse, so we do not see it with the script's popup. // If there are no changes to be done to the searchbuttonpopup, go ahead and skip propagation. // If there is an engine to be added, and the engine item is already available on the script's popup, there are no changes. // If there is no engine to be added, and there is no engine item, that also means that there are no changes needed. // On the other hand, if hasAddEnginesAttribute and addEngineItem are not synchronized, we need to apply propagation // to refresh the searchbuttonpopup. We set the addEngineItem visibility to collapse, and allow propagation. if ((hasAddEnginesAttribute && addEngineItem && addEngineItem.hasAttribute("image") && document.getElementById(addEngineItem.getAttribute("data-id")) && gBrowser.currentURI.spec.includes(addEngineItem.getAttribute("uri").match(/.+:\/\/([^\/]+)\//)[1])) || (!hasAddEnginesAttribute && !addEngineItem)) event.stopPropagation(); else { = "collapse"; defaultPopup.addEventListener("popupshown", createAddEngineItem, false); } } /*searchbar.focus();*/ }, true); }; //createOldSelectionPopup ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(lazy, { SearchSuggestionController: "resource://gre/modules/SearchSuggestionController.sys.mjs", }); XPCOMUtils.defineLazyModuleGetters(lazy, { FormHistory: "resource://gre/modules/FormHistory.jsm", }); var _doSearch = searchbar.doSearch.toString(); searchbar.doSearch = Cu.getGlobalForObject(this)["ev"+"al"]( "(" +(_doSearch.startsWith("function")? "":"function ") + _doSearch.slice(0,-2) + ` if(clear_searchbar_after_search) this.value = ''; if(revert_to_first_engine_after_search) { searchbar.currentEngine = searchbar.engines[0]; updateStyleSheet(); } ` + _doSearch.slice(-2) + ")" ); // Workaround for the deprecated setIcon function var oldUpdateDisplay = searchbar.updateDisplay; searchbar.updateDisplay = function() {; updateStyleSheet(); }; // main style sheet function updateStyleSheet() { var sss = Components.classes[";1"].getService(Components.interfaces.nsIStyleSheetService); var hide_oneoff_search_engines_code = ''; var show_search_engine_names_code = ''; var show_search_engine_names_code102 = ''; var show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_code = ''; var hide_addengines_plus_indicator_code = ''; var switch_glass_and_engine_icon_code = ''; if(hide_oneoff_search_engines) hide_oneoff_search_engines_code=` #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-header, #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-one-offs { display: none !important; } `; if(hide_addengines_plus_indicator) hide_addengines_plus_indicator_code=` .searchbar-search-button[addengines=true]::after { visibility: hidden !important; } `; if(show_search_engine_names && !hide_oneoff_search_engines) show_search_engine_names_code=` #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item { appearance: none !important; min-width: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; border: unset !important; height: 18px !important; background-image: unset !important; padding-inline-start: 2px !important; margin-inline-start: 5px !important; margin-inline-end: 0 !important; } #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item::after { appearance: none !important; display: block !important; content: attr(tooltiptext) !important; position: relative !important; padding-inline-start: 6px !important; min-width: 0 !important; width: 100% !important; white-space: nowrap !important; } #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs { min-height: unset !important; height: unset !important; max-height: unset !important; line-height: unset !important; } #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item .button-box { display: inline !important; } #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-setting-button { z-index: 1000 !important; } #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item .button-box .button-icon { margin-top: 1px !important; padding-inline-start: 0px !important; margin-inline-start: 0px !important; position: relative !important; } `; if(appversion < 106) show_search_engine_names_code102=` #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-panel-one-offs .searchbar-engine-one-off-item::after { display: inline !important; top: -3px !important; bottom: 4px !important; } `; if(show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar && !hide_oneoff_search_engines && show_search_engine_names) show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_code=` #PopupSearchAutoComplete .search-one-offs { height: `+show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_height+` !important; max-height: `+show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_height+` !important; overflow-y: scroll !important; overflow-x: hidden !important; } `; if(switch_glass_and_engine_icon) switch_glass_and_engine_icon_code=` .search-go-button { list-style-image: url(`+document.getElementById("searchbar").currentEngine.iconURI.spec+`) !important; transform: scaleX(1) !important; } .searchbar-search-button .searchbar-search-icon { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/search-glass.svg") !important; -moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity !important; fill-opacity: 1.0 !important; fill: #3683ba !important; } .searchbar-search-button:hover .searchbar-search-icon { fill: #1d518c !important; } .searchbar-search-button:active .searchbar-search-icon { fill: #00095d !important; } `; var uri ="data:text/css;charset=utf-8," + encodeURIComponent(` #search-container{ min-width: 20px !important } #searchbuttonpopup { margin-inline-start: -1px; } .searchbar-search-button .searchbar-search-icon { list-style-image: url(`+document.getElementById("searchbar").currentEngine.iconURI.spec+`) !important; } .search-go-button { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/search-glass.svg") !important; -moz-context-properties: fill, fill-opacity !important; fill-opacity: 1.0 !important; fill: #3683ba !important; transform: scaleX(-1) !important; background: unset !important; margin-inline-end: 4px !important; } .search-go-button:hover { fill: #1d518c !important; } .search-go-button:active { fill: #00095d !important; } .search-go-button[hidden="true"] { display: block !important; } .searchbar-search-button[addengines=true] > .searchbar-search-icon-overlay, .searchbar-search-button:not([addengines=true]) > .searchbar-search-icon-overlay { list-style-image: url("chrome://global/skin/icons/arrow-down-12.svg") !important; -moz-context-properties: fill !important; margin-inline-start: -6px !important; margin-inline-end: 2px !important; width: 11px !important; height: 11px !important; } .searchbar-search-button[addengines=true] > .searchbar-search-icon-overlay { margin-top: 0px !important; } .searchbar-search-button[addengines=true]::after { content: " " !important; background: url("chrome://browser/skin/search-indicator-badge-add.svg") center no-repeat !important; display: block !important; visibility: visible !important; width: 11px !important; height: 11px !important; margin-inline-start: 18px !important; margin-top: -11px !important; position: absolute !important; } .searchbar-search-button[addengines=true] > .searchbar-search-icon-overlay { visibility: visible !important; } .custom-addengine-item > .menu-iconic-left::after { position: absolute !important; display: block; !important; content: "" !important; background: url("chrome://browser/skin/search-indicator-badge-add.svg") no-repeat center !important; box-shadow: none !important; margin-top: -12px !important; margin-inline-start: -4px !important; width: 11px; !important; height: 11px; !important; min-width: 11px; !important; min-height: 11px; !important; } `+hide_addengines_plus_indicator_code+` `+hide_oneoff_search_engines_code+` `+show_search_engine_names_code+` `+show_search_engine_names_code102+` `+show_search_engine_names_with_scrollbar_code+` `+switch_glass_and_engine_icon_code+` `), null, null); // remove old style sheet if (sss.sheetRegistered(uri,sss.AGENT_SHEET)) { sss.unregisterSheet(uri,sss.AGENT_SHEET); } sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, sss.AGENT_SHEET); }; } catch(e) {} } } /* if search is not hidden on current window, wait for searchbar loading and then initialize 'alternative search' (with delay) */ if(!document.firstElementChild.hasAttribute("chromehidden") || !document.firstElementChild.getAttribute("chromehidden").includes("toolbar")) { if (document.readyState === "complete") { setTimeout(AltSearchbar.init, initialization_delay_value); } else { window.addEventListener("load", AltSearchbar.init, false); } }
Vielen Dank im Voraus.
Ich meinte, dass die angepinnten Tabs sichtbar bleiben, während die nicht angepinnten Tabs gescrollt werden.
Ist es möglich, den Code so zu ändern, dass die angepinnten Tabs beim Scrollen nicht mit scrollen?
Von Fx 116 lief noch alles, diese Änderung hatte ich schon durchgeführt.
Nach dem Update auf Firefox 118.0.1 funktionieren überhaupt keine Scripte mehr.
Habe das neuste MultiRowTabs.uc.js Script versucht, aber nichts, es funktioniert nicht.
Hat vielleicht jemand eine Idee, wo ran das liegen könnte?
Vielen Dank
kann mir jemand helfen, den Code wieder funktionsfähig zu machen?🙏
Alles anzeigen/* tabbar height */ :root { --tab-min-height: 20px !important; } /*Höhe Pinned Tabs*/ .tabbrowser-tab .tab-content[pinned] { min-height: 20px !important; max-height: 20px !important; -moz-box-pack: middle !important;} #TabsToolbar { height: var(--tab-min-height) !important; margin-top: 4px !important; margin-bottom: 30px !important; padding-top: 2px !important; padding-bottom: 0px !important; box-shadow: ThreeDShadow 20 1px inset, -moz-dialog 0 10px !important; /*OPTIONAL*/ background-color: var(--toolbar-bgcolor) !impor; color: var(--toolbar-color) !import; /* z-index: 1 !important; */ } /*Lautsprechersymbol auf Tab größer und weiß*/ .tab-icon-overlay { fill: white !important; transform: scale(1.2, 1.2) !important; } /*Tabtext wird am Ende nicht ausgeblendet*/ .tab-label-container[textoverflow][labeldirection=ltr]:not([pinned]), .tab-label-container[textoverflow]:not([labeldirection]):not([pinned]):-moz-locale-dir(ltr) { mask-image: none !important; } /* Rand ausblenden */ .tab-background[selected="true"] { border: hidden !important; }
Wie funktioniert den das mit dem Inspektor, damit ich diese Nummern find, ich habe es versucht aber keine Nummern für die Icons gefunden.
Wo genau muss der Farbcode den hin, habe es vor, in und hinter der Klammer versucht, Fehlschlag.
Bei dem Script von Aris wo kann ich da die Farbe ändern und die Stärke der Separatoren
Hat sich erledigt, alles gut jetzt funktioniert es, war mein Fehler ein falscher Buchstabe, den habe ich übersehen.
Vielen Dank für deine Hilfe und Geduld.
Genau so, das alte Script funktioniert ja noch.
Ich habe alle entfernt, bis auf das neue Script.
Mein erstes Script funktioniert tadellos, nur der Rechtsklick funktioniert bei dem nicht.
Funktioniert auch nicht.
Keine Ahnung, warum das bei mir nicht funktioniert
Es wird keine Leiste angezeigt. Skriptcache gelöscht. Nur das eine Script im Ordner