Zitat von Simon1983Hast du das oben reinkopiert oder unten eingefügt, oder gar alles überschrieben was drin war? Hast du Firefox danach neu gestartet? Wo ganz genau hast du die userChrome.css hingespeichert?
ich habe es am ende eingefügt.
in meinem profilordner unter chrome habe ich nun folgende dateien:
ja hab neugestartet
folgendes steht in meiner userchrome datei:
ZitatAlles anzeigen/*
* Edit this file and copy it as userChrome.css into your
* profile-directory/chrome/
* This file can be used to customize the look of Mozilla's user interface
* You should consider using !important on rules which you want to
* override default settings.
* Do not remove the @namespace line -- it's required for correct functioning
@namespace url("http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gate…ere.is.only.xul"); /* set default namespace to XUL */
* Some possible accessibility enhancements:
* Make all the default font sizes 20 pt:
* * {
* font-size: 20pt !important
* }
* Make menu items in particular 15 pt instead of the default size:
* menupopup > * {
* font-size: 15pt !important
* }
* Give the Location (URL) Bar a fixed-width font
* #urlbar {
* font-family: monospace !important;
* }
* Eliminate the throbber and its annoying movement:
* #throbber-box {
* display: none !important;
* }
* For more examples see http://www.mozilla.org/unix/customizing.html
/* Multi-row bookmarks toolbar */
#bookmarks-ptf {display:block}
#bookmarks-ptf toolbarseparator {display:inline}
/* Zeilenumbruch statt Separator */
#personal-bookmarks toolbarseparator { visibility: hidden !important; display: block !important; }