Hallo Naturfreund
Auch von mir, wenn auch nachträglich, alles Gute zum Geburtstag.
Vor allem viel Gesundheit und Glück wünsche ich Dir von ganzen Herzen.
Frohe Weihnachten.
Hallo Naturfreund
Auch von mir, wenn auch nachträglich, alles Gute zum Geburtstag.
Vor allem viel Gesundheit und Glück wünsche ich Dir von ganzen Herzen.
Frohe Weihnachten.
Auch von mir allen eine schöne Adventszeit.
Hallo zusammen.
Habe den Autor von Clippings nochmals darauf hingewiesen.
Mal sehen.
Ja das hatte ich schon gesehen.
Ich denke aber bei Github wird er eher darauf reagieren.
Darf Ich Deinen Text eventuell verwenden und noch etwas erweitern
wenn ich bei GIthub eine neue Issue öffne?
Hallo 2002Andreas.
Wenn ich so die Informationen von Sörens Link weiter oben
betrachte, sieht es nicht gerade vielversprechend aus.
Die Autoren des Editors schreiben als Reaktion auf den Hinweis
vom Clippings Autor und auf Sörens Meldung dazu:
Beim Autor von Clippings müsste man das eventuell mal melden.
Er weiß ja eigentlich schon seit einem Jahr Bescheid aber hat
bis jetzt keine Anpassung gemacht. Was meinst Du dazu?
Hallo 2002Andreas.
Kann ich bestätigen. Mal sehen ob und wann der Autor
den Fehler beheben wird.
Ja das könnte es durchaus auch sein.
Ich kenne und verwende nur das Original von Aris.
Da wäre das Zeile 76.
Welche Version verwendet ihr hier 1 oder 2:
const custom_scrollbar_arrows_version = 2;
Hallo zusammen.
Alice hat aktualisiert:
// ==UserScript==
// @name ucjsDownloadsManager.uc.js
// @namespace http://space.geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/alice0775
// @description Donloads Manager
// @include main
// @include chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml
// @compatibility Firefox 120
// @author Alice0775
// @version 2023/11/17 00:00 Bug 1857999 - Stop using xml-stylesheet processing instructions for styling non-test xhtml documents
// @version 2023/07/17 00:00 use ES module imports
// @version 2023/06/20 remove Bug 1780695 - Remove Services.jsm
// @version 2023/04/02 fix document.title
// @version 2022/11/22 Bug 877389 - [meta] Replace calls to Cu.reportError, etc. from browser code, replace with console.error, etc.
// @version 2022/11/08 11:00 Bug 1798212
// @version 2022/05/04 11:00 missing scope of DownloadIntegration
// @version 2022/04/01 23:00 Convert Components.utils.import to ChromeUtils.import
// @version 2022/02/16 Bug 1747422 - Remove preprocessor variable use from downloads CSS
// @version 2020/12/19 WIP:Workaround to avoid closing the manager if download.error/download.canceled.
// @version 2020/12/18 fix closeWhenDone if small size downloaded
// @version 2020/09/24 fix emptylist layout
// @version 2019/12/11 fix for 73 Bug 1601094 - Rename remaining .xul files to .xhtml in browser
// @version 2019/10/20 12:30 workaround Bug 1497200: Apply Meta CSP to about:downloads, Bug 1513325 - Remove textbox binding
// @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1534407 - Enable browser.xhtml by default
// @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1551320 - Replace all createElement calls in XUL documents with createXULElement
// @version 2018/07/01 16:30 revert Disable btn
// @version 2018/06/12 21:30 remove unused
// @version 2018/06/12 21:00 fix for private window mode
// @version 2018/06/07 12:00 fix file name for history
// @version 2018/04/14 00:00 de XUL overlay
// @version 2017/12/10 12:00 fix error when DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY = true
// @version 2017/12/10 12:00 remove workaround Bug 1279329. Disable btn while clear list is doing
// @version 2016/06/10 00:00 Workaround Bug 1279329
// @version 2016/05/04 20:30 remove typo
// @version 2016/05/04 20:00 remove in-content css, add preference for Taskbar Progress
// @version 2016/05/03 01:00 Indicate Taskbar Progress
// @version 2016/04/19 07:00 change title dexcription "/" instead of " of "
// @version 2015/05/08 00:00 remove padding due to Bug 1160734
// @version 2015/03/29 00:00 Check window.windowState instead of sizemode attribute
// @version 2014/12/28 23:00 Skip save window size if closed immediately
// @version 2014-12-23 23:00 number of files
// @version 2014-10-23 22:00 number of files
// @version 2014/10/18 20:00 fix posiotion
// @version 2014/06/07 20:00 Woraround closes
// @version 2014/06/03 12:00
// @version 2014/05/15 22:00 clean up
// @version 2014/05/15 20:00 removed the following oraround
// @version 2014/05/15 19:00 Woraround closes the manager 10 seconds after download completion
// @version 2014/03/31 00:00 fix for browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting
// @version 2014/03/01 12:00 Bug 978291
// @version 2013/12/19 17:10 rename REMEMBERHISTOTY to DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY
// @version 2013/12/19 17:00 fix do not close the Manager if there is main window
// @version 2013/12/18 23:10
// @version 2013/12/16 23:10 open only download added
// @version 2013/12/16 02:00 defineLazyModuleGetter for Firefox26
// @version 2013/12/15 22:00 typo and correct version date
// @version 2013/12/15 08:00 label placeholder size
// @version 2013/12/14 20:10 Search
// @version 2013/12/14 19:30 getBoolPref
// @version 2013/12/14 18:30 typo and fix closeWhenDone
// @version 2013/12/14 18:00 browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting , browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone
// @version 2013/12/02 00:00
// @note Require Sub-Script/Overlay Loader v3.0.40mod
// ==/UserScript==
// preferences:
// 自動で開く(デフォルト true):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting
// 自動で閉じる(デフォルト false):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone
// 上記falseの場合,自動で開いたときにのみ自動で閉じる(デフォルト false):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened
// タスクバーにプロフレスメーターを表示(デフォルト true):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.showProgressInTaskButton
if (location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml") {
window.ucjs_downloadManager = {
delay: 500, //自動で閉じる設定の場合、 自動表示しない閾値(ミリ秒)
_summary: null,
_list: null,
kshowWhenStarting: "browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting",
kcloseWhenDone: "browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone",
createElement: function(localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createXULElement(localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
init: function() {
window.addEventListener("unload", this, false);
let ref = document.getElementById("menu_openDownloads");
let menu = ref.parentNode.insertBefore(
[{attr: "label", value:"Open Download Manager"},
{attr: "accesskey", value:"D"},
{attr : "oncommand", value: "ucjs_downloadManager.openDownloadManager(true);"}
]), ref);
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
Downloads: "resource://gre/modules/Downloads.sys.mjs",
// Ensure that the DownloadSummary object will be created asynchronously.
if (!this._summary) {
this.Downloads.getSummary(this.Downloads.ALL).then(summary => {
this._summary = summary;
return this._summary.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
if (!this._list) {
this.Downloads.getList(this.Downloads.ALL).then(list => {
this._list = list;
return this._list.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
uninit: function() {
window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false);
if (this._summary) {
if (this._list) {
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "unload":
getDMWindow: function() {
var enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while(enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var win = enumerator.getNext();
if (win.location == "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml"
&& PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ==
PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win)) {
return win;
return null;
openDownloadManager: function ucjs_openDownloadManager(aForceFocus) {
var win = this.getDMWindow();
if (win) {
if (aForceFocus) {
win.autoOpened = false;
return false; //既存
try {
var height = Math.max(100,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.height"));
var width = Math.max(300,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.width"));
var screenX = Math.min(Math.max(0,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenX")), screen.availWidth - width);
var screenY = Math.min(Math.max(0,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenY")), screen.availHeight - height);
} catch(r){
height = 300;
width = 600;
screenX = 0;
screenY = 0;
win = window.open("chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml",
"Download" +
(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ? " - Private Window"
: ""),
"outerWidth=" + width + ",outerHeight=" + height +
",left=" + screenX + ",top=" + screenY +
this.success = true;
if (aForceFocus)
win.autoOpened = false;
return win; //新規
success: true,
onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload) {
this.success = this.success && !(aDownload.canceled || aDownload.error);
closeTimer: null,
onSummaryChanged: function (aDownload) {
var showWhenStarting = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kshowWhenStarting, true);
if (!showWhenStarting) //自動オープンでないならDMを開かない
var win = this.getDMWindow();
if (win) { // すでに開らかれている
if (this.success && this._summary.allHaveStopped) //エラーもダウンロード中がないならDMを開かない
var closeWhenDone = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDone, false);
var closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened
= Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDoneIfAutoOpened, false);
if (!this.success || !(closeWhenDone || closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened)) { //エラーがあるまたは自動クローズでないならDMを開く
var newWindow = this.openDownloadManager(false);
if (newWindow) {
newWindow.autoOpened = true;
this.closeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.success && this._summary.allHaveStopped) //エラーもダウンロード中もない
newWindow = this.openDownloadManager(false);
if (newWindow) {
newWindow.autoOpened = true;
}, this.delay);
if (window.opener && location.href == "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml") {
window.ucjs_downloadManagerMain = {
_hasDowbload: false,
_summary: null,
_list: null,
kshowWhenStarting: "browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting",
kcloseWhenDone: "browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone",
createElement: function(localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createXULElement(localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
createElementNS: function(NS, localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createElementNS(NS, localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
init: function() {
window.addEventListener("unload", this, false);
// xxx remove in-content css
var element = document.querySelector("link[href='chrome://browser/skin/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.css']");
if (element) {
/* var elements = document.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i <= elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
if (element.nodeValue.indexOf("chrome://browser/skin/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.css") > -1) {
var style = ' \
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul); \
#contentAreaDownloadsView { \
padding: 0 ; \
} \
#downloadsListBox:empty + #downloadsListEmptyDescription { \
pointer-events: none; \
} \
'.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
var sspi = document.createProcessingInstruction(
'type="text/css" href="data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(style) + '"'
document.insertBefore(sspi, document.documentElement);
sspi.getAttribute = function(name) {
return document.documentElement.getAttribute(name);
document.getElementById("downloadsListEmptyDescription").setAttribute("flex", "1");
let ref = document.documentElement;
ref = ref.appendChild(this.createElement("hbox", []));
[{attr: "id", value: "ucjs_clearListButton"},
{attr: "label", value: "Clear List"},
{attr: "accesskey", value: "C"}
[{attr: "flex", value: "1"}]));
ref.appendChild(this.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "input",
[{attr: "id", value: "ucjs_downloadManagerMain_input"},
{attr: "clickSelectsAll", value: "true"},
{attr: "type", value: "search"},
{attr: "placeholder", value: "Search..."},
{attr: "aria-autocomplete", value: "list"}
document.getElementById("ucjs_clearListButton").addEventListener("command", function(event) {
.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
this.originalTitle = document.title +
(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ? " - Private Window"
: "");
document.title = this.originalTitle;
// xxx Bug 1279329 "Copy Download Link" of context menu in Library is grayed out
var listBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
var placesView = listBox._placesView;
var place = placesView.place;
placesView.place= null;
placesView.place = place;
setTimeout(function(){this._wait = true}.bind(this), 0);
// Ensure that the DownloadSummary object will be created asynchronously.
if (!this._summary) {
Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.ALL).then(summary => {
this._summary = summary;
return this._summary.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
if (!this._list) {
Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL).then(list => {
this._list = list;
return this._list.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
var showProgressInTaskButton = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.download.manager.showProgressInTaskButton", true);
if (showProgressInTaskButton)
setTimeout(function() {
try {
let docShell = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
let gWinTaskbar = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/windows-taskbar;1"]
this._taskbarProgress = gWinTaskbar.getTaskbarProgress(docShell);
} catch(ex) {
this._taskbarProgress = null;
}.bind(this), 10);
uninit: function() {
window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false);
this._taskbarProgress = null;
if (this._wait)
if (this._summary) {
if (this._list) {
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "unload":
saveSizePosition: function() {
if (window.windowState == 3) {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.height", window.outerHeight);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.width", window.outerWidth);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenX", window.screenX);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenY", window.screenY);
success: true,
onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload) {
this.success = this.success && !(aDownload.canceled || aDownload.error);
onSummaryChanged: function () {
if (!this._summary)
if (!this._hasDowbload) {
this._hasDowbload = true;
if (this._summary.allHaveStopped || this._summary.progressTotalBytes == 0) {
document.title = this.originalTitle;
if (this._taskbarProgress) {
Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS, 0, 0);
var closeWhenDone = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDone, false);
var closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDoneIfAutoOpened, false) && window.autoOpened;
if (this.success && (closeWhenDone || closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened)) {
} else {
// If the last browser window has been closed, we have no indicator any more.
if (this._taskbarProgress) {
if (this._summary.allHaveStopped || this._summary.progressTotalBytes == 0) {
Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS, 0, 0);
} else {
// For a brief moment before completion, some download components may
// report more transferred bytes than the total number of bytes. Thus,
// ensure that we never break the expectations of the progress indicator.
let progressCurrentBytes = Math.min(this._summary.progressTotalBytes,
// Update window title
var numDls = 0;
if (!this._list)
this._list.getAll().then(downloads => {
for (let download of downloads) {
if (download.hasProgress && !download.succeeded)
let progressCurrentBytes = Math.min(this._summary.progressTotalBytes,
let percent = Math.floor(progressCurrentBytes / this._summary.progressTotalBytes * 100);
let text = percent + "%/" + numDls + (numDls < 2 ? " file - " : " files - ") ;
document.title = text + this.originalTitle;
}).then(null, console.error);
clearDownloads: function ucjs_clearDownloads() {
var DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY = true; /* custmizable true or false */
var richListBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
var places = [];
function addPlace(aURI, aTitle, aVisitDate) {
uri: aURI,
title: aTitle,
visits: [{
visitDate: (aVisitDate || Date.now()) * 1000,
transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK
function moveDownloads2History(d) {
!PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
for (let element of richListBox.childNodes) {
let download = element._shell.download;
let aURI = makeURI(download.source.url);
// let aTitle = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(element, "class", "downloadTarget").value
let aTitle = download.target.path;
aTitle = aTitle.match( /[^\\]+$/i )[0];
aTitle = aTitle.match( /[^/]+$/i )[0];
let aVisitDate = download.endTime || download.startTime;
addPlace(aURI, aTitle, aVisitDate)
// Clear List
!PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
if (places.length > 0) {
var asyncHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/history;1"]
var btn = document.getElementById("ucjs_clearListButton");
doSearch: function ucjs_doSearch(filterString) {
var richListBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
richListBox._placesView.searchTerm = filterString;
Alles anzeigen
Ja, da hab ich ja was Schönes angerichtet..
Hallo Boersenfeger.
Überhaupt nicht.
Mach Dir da mal keine Gedanken.
Alles gut.
Viele Grüße
Das ist es ja, was ich meinte. Seine ist nicht neuer.
Ist identisch mit der von mir nur eben mit seiner gewünschten
Änderung - Anpassung.
Kürzlich geschlossene Fenster
Letzten geschlossenen Tab wieder öffnen (s)
Beides wird in seiner Version entfernt.
Zusätzlich gibt es noch einen CSS Code Teil bei seinem
Script, ich vermute mal den hat er von Dir 2002Andreas
var css =`
.restoreallitem {
display: none !important;
#tabContextUndoList :is(menu,menuitem),
#ContextUndoList :is(menu,menuitem) {
min-height: 20px !important;
padding-top: 0 !important;
padding-bottom: 0 !important;
var sss = Cc['@mozilla.org/content/style-sheet-service;1'].getService(Ci.nsIStyleSheetService);
var uri = makeURI('data:text/css;charset=UTF=8,' + encodeURIComponent(css));
sss.loadAndRegisterSheet(uri, sss.AUTHOR_SHEET);
Alles anzeigen
Falls der von wem anderen ist, bitte entschuldige 2002Andreas
Ansonsten ist es identisch mit der Version von Alice.
Nur als Info zu Script aus #1
Es gibt eine neuere Version davon:
// ==UserScript==
// @name UndoListInTabmenuToo.uc.js
// @namespace http://space.geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/alice0775
// @description Kürzlich geschlossenen Tabsliste in Tab-Kontext und Hauptkontextmenü einfügen.
// @include main
// @compatibility Firefox 115
// @author Alice0775
// @version 2023/06/16 08:00 Bug 1819675 - Expand recently closed tabs to include all Windows
// @version 2022/05/10 fix ref to context-media-eme-separator
// @version 2021/12/09 remove JSON.parse (Bug 1733425)
// @version 2021/04/25 fix 1689378
// @version 2019/11/14 remove eval
// @version 2019/06/30 10:00 Bug 1555060 Convert <tabs> to a custom element
// @version 2019/06/24 23:00 wait for gBrowser initialized
// @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1551320 - Replace all createElement calls in XUL documents with createXULElement
// @version 2018/05/10 60
// @version 2017/11/18 nsIPrefBranch to nsIPrefBranch
// @version 2010/09/18 00:00 4.0b7pre
// @version 2009/02/03 13:00 Tab-Verlauf im Tooltip anzeigen
// @Note Fügt die UndoClose-Tab-Liste zu Tabs und Kontextmenüs hinzu
// @OriginalCode Orginalcode aus browser.js für populateUndoSubmenu verwenden
// @version 2018/05/09 15:00 61
// ==/UserScript==
// @version 2010/03/26 13:00 Minefield/3.7a4pre Bug 554991 - allow tab context menu to be modified by normal XUL overlays
// @version 2010/03/15 00:00 Minefield/3.7a4pre Bug 347930 - Tab strip should be a toolbar instead
// @version 2009/09/09 15:00 Mittelklick-Handhabung
// @version 2009/09/03 22:00 Firegox3.7a1pre Funktion wurde wieder hergestellt. (Bug 489925. getElementById should not return anonymous nodes)
// @version 2009/08/22 00:00 Firegox3.6 Ändern des stringbandle
// @version 2009/04/24 00:00 #394759 [Firefox:Session Restore]-Add undo close window feature
// @version 2008/10/12 18:00 Fx3.0.4pre Mittelklick-Popupmenü wurde nicht geschlossen und andere Korrekturen
// @version 2007/10/05 10:00
var UndoListInTabmenu = {
// -- config --
TABCONTEXTMENU : true , //Im Tabkontextmenü: anzeigen: true, nicht anzeigen: false
CONTEXTMENU : true, //Im Hauptkontextmenü: anzeigen: true , nicht anzeigen: false
// -- config end--
ss: null,
get tabContext() {
return document.getElementById("tabContextMenu");
get navigatorBundle() {
return Services.strings.createBundle(
init: function(){
var tabContext = this.tabContext;
this.makePopup(tabContext, null, "tabContextUndoList");
if (this.CONTEXTMENU){
var contextMenu = document.getElementById("contentAreaContextMenu");
var refItem = document.getElementById("context-media-eme-separator");
this.makePopup(contextMenu, refItem, "ContextUndoList");
// Geschlossene Tabs dem NS-Sitzungsspeicher entnehmen
this._ss = SessionStore;
makePopup: function(popup, refItem, id){
var menu;
const locale = "de";
// "Liste Kürzlich geschlossener Fenster"
menu = document.createXULElement("menu");
menu.setAttribute("id", "historyUndoWindowMenu3");
menu.setAttribute("label", "K\u00FCrzlich geschlossene Fenster");
menu.setAttribute("accesskey", "F");
menu.setAttribute("disabled", "true");
popup.insertBefore(menu, refItem);
this.historyUndoWindowPopup3 = menu = menu.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menupopup"));
menu.setAttribute("id", "historyUndoWindowPopup3");
menu.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", "UndoListInTabmenu.populateUndoWindowSubmenu(this);");
//Liste kürzlich geschossener Tabs
const LABELTEXT = "K\u00FCrzlich geschlossene Tabs"; //create menu
menu = document.createXULElement("menu");
menu.setAttribute("label", LABELTEXT);
menu.setAttribute("accesskey", "T");
if (id)
menu.setAttribute("id", id);
//menu.setAttribute("disabled", true);
var menupopup = document.createXULElement("menupopup");
menupopup.setAttribute("onpopupshowing", "UndoListInTabmenu.populateUndoSubmenu(this);");
popup.insertBefore(menu, refItem);
//Eventlistener hinzufügen
popup.addEventListener('popupshowing',function(event) {
// no restorable tabs, so make sure menu is disabled, and return
if (UndoListInTabmenu._ss.getClosedTabCount(window) == 0) {
menu.setAttribute("disabled", true);
//menu.setAttribute("hidden", true);
//menu.setAttribute("hidden", false);
* Befüllen, wenn das Chronik-Menü geöffnet ist (Fx3.6)
populateUndoSubmenu: function(undoPopup) {
while (undoPopup.hasChildNodes()) {
var utils = RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils;
var tabsFragment = utils.getTabsFragment(
/* aPrefixRestoreAll = */ true,
undoPopup.firstChild.setAttribute("accesskey", "R");
var m = undoPopup.insertBefore(document.createXULElement("menuitem"), undoPopup.childNodes[0]);
m.setAttribute("label", "Letzten geschlossenen Tab wieder öffnen (s)");
m.setAttribute("oncommand", "undoCloseTab()");
m.setAttribute("accesskey", "o");
undoPopup.insertBefore(document.createXULElement("menuseparator"), undoPopup.childNodes[2]);
// populate tab historis for tooltip
var undoItems = UndoListInTabmenu._ss.getClosedTabDataForWindow(window);
for (var i = 0; i < undoItems.length; i++) {
var entries = undoItems[i].state.entries;
var tooltiptext = "";
for (var j = entries.length - 1; j > -1; j--){
if (j != entries.length - 1)
tooltiptext += "\n";
tooltiptext += parseInt(j + 1, 10) + ". " + entries[j].title;
undoPopup.childNodes[i + 2/*restore all, sep*/].setAttribute("tooltiptext", tooltiptext);
// "Append Clear undo close tb list"
m = undoPopup.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menuitem"));
m.setAttribute("label", "Liste der letzten Tabs l\u00F6schen");
m.setAttribute("accesskey", "h");
m.addEventListener("command", function() {
let prefs = Services.prefs;
let max_undo = prefs.getIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo");
prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", 0);
prefs.setIntPref("browser.sessionstore.max_tabs_undo", max_undo);
}, false);
toggleRecentlyClosedWindows: function PHM_toggleRecentlyClosedWindows() {
// enable/disable the Recently Closed Windows sub menu
let undoPopup = this.historyUndoWindowPopup3;
// no restorable windows, so disable menu
if (this._ss.getClosedWindowCount() == 0)
this.historyUndoWindowPopup3.parentNode.setAttribute("disabled", true);
* Populate when the history menu is opened
populateUndoWindowSubmenu: function PHM_populateUndoWindowSubmenu(undoPopup) {
while (undoPopup.hasChildNodes()) {
let utils = RecentlyClosedTabsAndWindowsMenuUtils;
let windowsFragment = utils.getWindowsFragment(
/* aPrefixRestoreAll = */ true,
undoPopup.firstChild.setAttribute("accesskey", "R");
undoPopup.insertBefore(document.createXULElement("menuseparator"), undoPopup.childNodes[1]);
// "Append Clear undo close window list"
m = undoPopup.appendChild(document.createXULElement("menuitem"));
m.setAttribute("label", "Liste der kürzlich geschlossenen Fenster l\u00F6schen");
m.setAttribute("accesskey", "L");
m.addEventListener("command", function() {
for (let i = SessionStore.getClosedWindowCount() -1; i >= 0; i--)
}, false);
// Wir sollten die Weiterleitung nur starten, wenn das Browserfenster den Startprozess abgeschlossen hat
// Ansonsten sollten wir warten, bis der Start abgeschlossen ist.
if (gBrowserInit.delayedStartupFinished) {
} else {
let delayedStartupFinished = (subject, topic) => {
if (topic == "browser-delayed-startup-finished" &&
subject == window) {
Services.obs.removeObserver(delayedStartupFinished, topic);
Alles anzeigen
Hier hat es jetzt eben kurz mal geklemmt.
Aber sonst flutscht es.
Ich müsste auch beide austauschen um auf Windows 11 zu aktualisieren.
Mein Desktop PC Windows 7 wird demnächst auf Windows 10 aktualisiert.
Neueres unterstützt er nicht und ich habe kein Geld übrig im Moment für
neuen PC. Notebook läuft schon auf Windows 10 aber auch der unterstützt
kein Windows 11. Ja man könnte mit irgendwelchen Tricks Windows 11
da installieren aber davon halte ich nichts. Mein Notebook hat damals
1800 Euro gekostet. Das schmeiße ich doch jetzt nicht wegen
Windows 11 in die Tonne. Lieber prügle ich im Notfall eine Linux Distri
drauf oder bleibe eben auf Windows 10. Mal sehen was wird.
Elmar Wepper ist verstorben.
Hallo milupo
Der Autor hat das Script schon vor einer Weile entsprechend geändert.
Hier die neueste Version da sollte obiges schon geändert sein:
// ==UserScript==
// @name ucjsDownloadsManager.uc.js
// @namespace http://space.geocities.yahoo.co.jp/gl/alice0775
// @description Downloads Manager
// @include main
// @include chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml
// @compatibility Firefox 117
// @author Alice0775
// @version 2023/07/17 00:00 use ES module imports
// @version 2023/06/20 remove Bug 1780695 - Remove Services.jsm
// @version 2023/04/02 fix document.title
// @version 2022/11/22 Bug 877389 - [meta] Replace calls to Cu.reportError, etc. from browser code, replace with console.error, etc.
// @version 2022/11/08 11:00 Bug 1798212
// @version 2022/05/04 11:00 missing scope of DownloadIntegration
// @version 2022/04/01 23:00 Convert Components.utils.import to ChromeUtils.import
// @version 2022/02/16 Bug 1747422 - Remove preprocessor variable use from downloads CSS
// @version 2020/12/19 WIP:Workaround to avoid closing the manager if download.error/download.canceled.
// @version 2020/12/18 fix closeWhenDone if small size downloaded
// @version 2020/09/24 fix emptylist layout
// @version 2019/12/11 fix for 73 Bug 1601094 - Rename remaining .xul files to .xhtml in browser
// @version 2019/10/20 12:30 workaround Bug 1497200: Apply Meta CSP to about:downloads, Bug 1513325 - Remove textbox binding
// @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1534407 - Enable browser.xhtml by default
// @version 2019/05/21 08:30 fix 69.0a1 Bug 1551320 - Replace all createElement calls in XUL documents with createXULElement
// @version 2018/07/01 16:30 revert Disable btn
// @version 2018/06/12 21:30 remove unused
// @version 2018/06/12 21:00 fix for private window mode
// @version 2018/06/07 12:00 fix file name for history
// @version 2018/04/14 00:00 de XUL overlay
// @version 2017/12/10 12:00 fix error when DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY = true
// @version 2017/12/10 12:00 remove workaround Bug 1279329. Disable btn while clear list is doing
// @version 2016/06/10 00:00 Workaround Bug 1279329
// @version 2016/05/04 20:30 remove typo
// @version 2016/05/04 20:00 remove in-content css, add preference for Taskbar Progress
// @version 2016/05/03 01:00 Indicate Taskbar Progress
// @version 2016/04/19 07:00 change title dexcription "/" instead of " of "
// @version 2015/05/08 00:00 remove padding due to Bug 1160734
// @version 2015/03/29 00:00 Check window.windowState instead of sizemode attribute
// @version 2014/12/28 23:00 Skip save window size if closed immediately
// @version 2014-12-23 23:00 number of files
// @version 2014-10-23 22:00 number of files
// @version 2014/10/18 20:00 fix posiotion
// @version 2014/06/07 20:00 Woraround closes
// @version 2014/06/03 12:00
// @version 2014/05/15 22:00 clean up
// @version 2014/05/15 20:00 removed the following oraround
// @version 2014/05/15 19:00 Woraround closes the manager 10 seconds after download completion
// @version 2014/03/31 00:00 fix for browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting
// @version 2014/03/01 12:00 Bug 978291
// @version 2013/12/19 17:10 rename REMEMBERHISTOTY to DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY
// @version 2013/12/19 17:00 fix do not close the Manager if there is main window
// @version 2013/12/18 23:10
// @version 2013/12/16 23:10 open only download added
// @version 2013/12/16 02:00 defineLazyModuleGetter for Firefox26
// @version 2013/12/15 22:00 typo and correct version date
// @version 2013/12/15 08:00 label placeholder size
// @version 2013/12/14 20:10 Search
// @version 2013/12/14 19:30 getBoolPref
// @version 2013/12/14 18:30 typo and fix closeWhenDone
// @version 2013/12/14 18:00 browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting , browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone
// @version 2013/12/02 00:00
// @note Require Sub-Script/Overlay Loader v3.0.40mod
// ==/UserScript==
// preferences:
// Automatisch öffnen (Standard: true)
// (bool) browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting
// Automatisch schließen (Standard: false):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone
// Wenn oben „false“, wird das automatische Schließen nur beim automatischen Öffnen durchgeführt (Standard: „false“):
// (bool) browser.download.manager.closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened
// Fortschrittsanzeige in der Taskleiste anzeigen (Standardeinstellung: true)
// (bool) browser.download.manager.showProgressInTaskButton
if (location.href == "chrome://browser/content/browser.xhtml") {
window.ucjs_downloadManager = {
delay: 500, //Zeitverzögerung für die automatische Anzeige (Millisekunden), wenn auf automatisches Schließen eingestellt ist
_summary: null,
_list: null,
kshowWhenStarting: "browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting",
kcloseWhenDone: "browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone",
createElement: function(localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createXULElement(localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
init: function() {
window.addEventListener("unload", this, false);
let ref = document.getElementById("menu_openDownloads");
let menu = ref.parentNode.insertBefore(
[{attr: "label", value:"Download Manager öffnen"},
{attr: "accesskey", value:"D"},
{attr : "oncommand", value: "ucjs_downloadManager.openDownloadManager(true);"}
]), ref);
ChromeUtils.defineESModuleGetters(this, {
Downloads: "resource://gre/modules/Downloads.sys.mjs",
// Ensure that the DownloadSummary object will be created asynchronously.
if (!this._summary) {
this.Downloads.getSummary(this.Downloads.ALL).then(summary => {
this._summary = summary;
return this._summary.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
if (!this._list) {
this.Downloads.getList(this.Downloads.ALL).then(list => {
this._list = list;
return this._list.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
uninit: function() {
window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false);
if (this._summary) {
if (this._list) {
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "unload":
getDMWindow: function() {
var enumerator = Services.wm.getEnumerator(null);
while(enumerator.hasMoreElements()) {
var win = enumerator.getNext();
if (win.location == "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml"
&& PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ==
PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(win)) {
return win;
return null;
openDownloadManager: function ucjs_openDownloadManager(aForceFocus) {
var win = this.getDMWindow();
if (win) {
if (aForceFocus) {
win.autoOpened = false;
return false; //Wenn vorhanden
try {
var height = Math.max(100,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.height"));
var width = Math.max(300,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.width"));
var screenX = Math.min(Math.max(0,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenX")), screen.availWidth - width);
var screenY = Math.min(Math.max(0,Services.prefs.getIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenY")), screen.availHeight - height);
} catch(r){
height = 300;
width = 600;
screenX = 0;
screenY = 0;
win = window.open("chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml",
"Download" +
(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ? " - Private Window"
: ""),
"outerWidth=" + width + ",outerHeight=" + height +
",left=" + screenX + ",top=" + screenY +
this.success = true;
if (aForceFocus)
win.autoOpened = false;
return win; //Neu
success: true,
onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload) {
this.success = this.success && !(aDownload.canceled || aDownload.error);
closeTimer: null,
onSummaryChanged: function (aDownload) {
var showWhenStarting = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kshowWhenStarting, true);
if (!showWhenStarting) //DM nicht öffnen, wenn er nicht automatisch geöffnet wird
var win = this.getDMWindow();
if (win) { // wenn bereits geöffnet
if (this.success && this._summary.allHaveStopped) //Wenn beim Herunterladen kein Fehler auftritt, DM nicht öffnen
var closeWhenDone = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDone, false);
var closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened
= Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDoneIfAutoOpened, false);
if (!this.success || !(closeWhenDone || closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened)) { //DM öffnen, wenn Fehler vorliegen oder das automatische Schließen nicht erfolgt
var newWindow = this.openDownloadManager(false);
if (newWindow) {
newWindow.autoOpened = true;
this.closeTimer = setTimeout(() => {
if (this.success && this._summary.allHaveStopped) //Keine Fehler, keine Downloads
newWindow = this.openDownloadManager(false);
if (newWindow) {
newWindow.autoOpened = true;
}, this.delay);
if (window.opener && location.href == "chrome://browser/content/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.xhtml") {
window.ucjs_downloadManagerMain = {
_hasDowbload: false,
_summary: null,
_list: null,
kshowWhenStarting: "browser.download.manager.showWhenStarting",
kcloseWhenDone: "browser.download.manager.closeWhenDone",
createElement: function(localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createXULElement(localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
createElementNS: function(NS, localName, arryAttribute) {
let elm = document.createElementNS(NS, localName);
for(let i = 0; i < arryAttribute.length; i++) {
elm.setAttribute(arryAttribute[i].attr, arryAttribute[i].value);
return elm;
init: function() {
window.addEventListener("unload", this, false);
// xxx remove in-content css
var elements = document.childNodes;
for (var i = 0; i <= elements.length; i++) {
var element = elements[i];
if (element.nodeValue.indexOf("chrome://browser/skin/downloads/contentAreaDownloadsView.css") > -1) {
var style = ' \
@namespace url(http://www.mozilla.org/keymaster/gatekeeper/there.is.only.xul); \
#contentAreaDownloadsView { \
padding: 0 ; \
} \
#downloadsListBox:empty + #downloadsListEmptyDescription { \
pointer-events: none; \
} \
'.replace(/\s+/g, " ");
var sspi = document.createProcessingInstruction(
'type="text/css" href="data:text/css,' + encodeURIComponent(style) + '"'
document.insertBefore(sspi, document.documentElement);
sspi.getAttribute = function(name) {
return document.documentElement.getAttribute(name);
document.getElementById("downloadsListEmptyDescription").setAttribute("flex", "1");
let ref = document.documentElement;
ref = ref.appendChild(this.createElement("hbox", []));
[{attr: "id", value: "ucjs_clearListButton"},
{attr: "label", value: "Liste leeren"},
{attr: "accesskey", value: "L"}
[{attr: "flex", value: "1"}]));
ref.appendChild(this.createElementNS("http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml", "input",
[{attr: "id", value: "ucjs_downloadManagerMain_input"},
{attr: "clickSelectsAll", value: "true"},
{attr: "type", value: "search"},
{attr: "placeholder", value: "Suchen..."},
{attr: "aria-autocomplete", value: "list"}
document.getElementById("ucjs_clearListButton").addEventListener("command", function(event) {
.addEventListener("input", function(event) {
this.originalTitle = document.title +
(PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window) ? " - Private Window"
: "");
document.title = this.originalTitle;
// xxx Bug 1279329 "Copy Download Link" of context menu in Library is grayed out
var listBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
var placesView = listBox._placesView;
var place = placesView.place;
placesView.place= null;
placesView.place = place;
setTimeout(function(){this._wait = true}.bind(this), 0);
// Ensure that the DownloadSummary object will be created asynchronously.
if (!this._summary) {
Downloads.getSummary(Downloads.ALL).then(summary => {
this._summary = summary;
return this._summary.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
if (!this._list) {
Downloads.getList(Downloads.ALL).then(list => {
this._list = list;
return this._list.addView(this);
}).then(null, console.error);
var showProgressInTaskButton = Services.prefs.getBoolPref("browser.download.manager.showProgressInTaskButton", true);
if (showProgressInTaskButton)
setTimeout(function() {
try {
let docShell = window.QueryInterface(Ci.nsIInterfaceRequestor)
let gWinTaskbar = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/windows-taskbar;1"]
this._taskbarProgress = gWinTaskbar.getTaskbarProgress(docShell);
} catch(ex) {
this._taskbarProgress = null;
}.bind(this), 10);
uninit: function() {
window.removeEventListener("unload", this, false);
this._taskbarProgress = null;
if (this._wait)
if (this._summary) {
if (this._list) {
handleEvent: function(event) {
switch (event.type) {
case "unload":
saveSizePosition: function() {
if (window.windowState == 3) {
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.height", window.outerHeight);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.width", window.outerWidth);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenX", window.screenX);
Services.prefs.setIntPref("browser.download.manager.size.screenY", window.screenY);
success: true,
onDownloadChanged: function (aDownload) {
this.success = this.success && !(aDownload.canceled || aDownload.error);
onSummaryChanged: function () {
if (!this._summary)
if (!this._hasDowbload) {
this._hasDowbload = true;
if (this._summary.allHaveStopped || this._summary.progressTotalBytes == 0) {
document.title = this.originalTitle;
if (this._taskbarProgress) {
Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS, 0, 0);
var closeWhenDone = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDone, false);
var closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened = Services.prefs.getBoolPref(this.kcloseWhenDoneIfAutoOpened, false) && window.autoOpened;
if (this.success && (closeWhenDone || closeWhenDoneIfAutoOpened)) {
} else {
// If the last browser window has been closed, we have no indicator any more.
if (this._taskbarProgress) {
if (this._summary.allHaveStopped || this._summary.progressTotalBytes == 0) {
Ci.nsITaskbarProgress.STATE_NO_PROGRESS, 0, 0);
} else {
// For a brief moment before completion, some download components may
// report more transferred bytes than the total number of bytes. Thus,
// ensure that we never break the expectations of the progress indicator.
let progressCurrentBytes = Math.min(this._summary.progressTotalBytes,
// Update window title
var numDls = 0;
if (!this._list)
this._list.getAll().then(downloads => {
for (let download of downloads) {
if (download.hasProgress && !download.succeeded)
let progressCurrentBytes = Math.min(this._summary.progressTotalBytes,
let percent = Math.floor(progressCurrentBytes / this._summary.progressTotalBytes * 100);
let text = percent + "%/" + numDls + (numDls < 2 ? " file - " : " files - ") ;
document.title = text + this.originalTitle;
}).then(null, console.error);
clearDownloads: function ucjs_clearDownloads() {
var DO_NOT_DELETE_HISTORY = true; /* custmizable true or false */
var richListBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
var places = [];
function addPlace(aURI, aTitle, aVisitDate) {
uri: aURI,
title: aTitle,
visits: [{
visitDate: (aVisitDate || Date.now()) * 1000,
transitionType: Ci.nsINavHistoryService.TRANSITION_LINK
function moveDownloads2History(d) {
!PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
for (let element of richListBox.childNodes) {
let download = element._shell.download;
let aURI = makeURI(download.source.url);
// let aTitle = document.getAnonymousElementByAttribute(element, "class", "downloadTarget").value
let aTitle = download.target.path;
aTitle = aTitle.match( /[^\\]+$/i )[0];
aTitle = aTitle.match( /[^/]+$/i )[0];
let aVisitDate = download.endTime || download.startTime;
addPlace(aURI, aTitle, aVisitDate)
// Clear List
!PrivateBrowsingUtils.isWindowPrivate(window)) {
if (places.length > 0) {
var asyncHistory = Components.classes["@mozilla.org/browser/history;1"]
var btn = document.getElementById("ucjs_clearListButton");
doSearch: function ucjs_doSearch(filterString) {
var richListBox = document.getElementById("downloadsListBox");
richListBox._placesView.searchTerm = filterString;
Alles anzeigen
Die ist schon seit ein paar Monaten bei mir auch auf Github so zu finden: