Conficker produziert nur Schlagzeilen, sonst nichts
ZitatSo it's been April 1st for almost 18 hours now in New Zealand and it's the early hours of April 1st on the east coast of the United States. So what's going on? So far — nothing. Infected computers are generating the list of 50,000 domains and are attempting to contact 500 of those like we've described earlier, but so far no update has been made available (by the bad guys).
And we don't really expect one, at least not right now.
The Conficker worm is still creating headlines though as can be seen from the front page of
übrigens: wer de Webseite von f-secure nicht aufrufen kann, hat ein verdächtiges System, da Conficker diese Domain wie die meisten Homepages von AV-Firmen gesperrt hat