Spyware in Firefox20?

  • ..von den letzten 0-25 Starts deines Firefoxes...
    Lies nach... allerdings auf englisch


    Usage Statistics (also known as Telemetry). Beginning with version 7, Firefox includes functionality that sends Mozilla usage, performance, and responsiveness statistics about user interface features, memory, hardware configuration along with IP address.

    This feature is turned off by default in general release versions of Firefox and Firefox Beta. In order to enable Aurora and Nightly testers to provide more efficient feedback, Usage Statistics are enabled by default on Aurora and Nightly. In either case, if this functionality is enabled, users can disable it in Firefox's Options/Preferences by simply deselecting the "Submit performance data" item.

    Usage statistics are transmitted using SSL (a method of protecting data in transit) and help us improve future versions of Firefox. Once sent to Mozilla, usage statistics are stored in an aggregate form and made available to a broad range of developers, including both Mozilla employees and public contributors."

    Wenn du nicht draus schlau wirst, kannst du die Haken in den Einstellungen entfernen. Allerdings beteiligst du dich dann nicht an der weiteren Entwicklung von Firefox...
    BTW: Unglaublich, wie breit die Paranoia gestreut ist... 8)

  • Hallo Boersenfeger! :D

    Danke für die schnelle Antwort!

    Apropos: Bitte demnächst dranschreiben, dass es sich um Firefox-Entwicklungshilfe handelt.
    Sonst bekomme ich wieder meinen Paranoia-Anfall. :lol:


  • Zitat von Boersenfeger

    Das Forum ist sozusagen das deutsche Entwicklungshilfeministerium für Firefox ... :mrgreen:

    ..und Beschwerdestelle ! 8)