Classic Theme Restorer customize Australis

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta15…torer/versions/

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    [fix] squared tabs: protected/locked/pinned tabs and TMP/TU addons
    [fix] Windows small button mode: urlbar and star button margins
    [fix] some tweaks for rtl locales
    [fix] Windows + squared tabs: tabs toolbar gap in maximized mode


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta16…torer/versions/

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    [fix] pinned tabs issue with TU and tabs not on top mode
    [fix] mov. b/f button + small button view + rtl locales
    [change] small button view + star-button in urlbar left/right space
    [change] space between tabs and appbutton in maximized mode
    [change] space appmenu icon in titlebar and menubar
    [change] help menu min-width


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta17…torer/versions/

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    [new Fx31+] tab close options: default, active only, none, on tab toolbars end
    [new] option: movable panel menu button *
    [update] Italian translation (thanks to gialloporpora)
    [update] French translation (thanks to David V.)
    [fix] themes; CTRs history/bookmarks menu buttons on nav-bar
    [change Fx 31+] previous option to show close button on all tabs not needed anymore
    [change] Windows + maximzed mode: tweaks for appbutton and tabs
    [change] switching themes (default->third party->default) only disables tab color settings now
    [change] tweaks on appmenus submenu popups
    [change] removed some temporary fixes which are not required anymore
    * Panel menu button was movalbe for a while, but now this feature is optional (again)

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta18…torer/versions/

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    [update] French translation (thanks to David V.)
    [update] Italian translation (thanks to gialloporpora)
    [fix] Win XP/8/Vista&7(AeroBasic) + tabs not on top: tab toolbar glitch in maximized mode
    [fix] CTR prefwindow: some options did not hide correctly
    [fix] appbutton on add-on bar: altered popup position to not close browser by accident


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta19…torer/versions/

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    Version 1.1.9beta19
    [fix] recent beta builds
    [fix] Windows + small button view: glitch if the last button was a menu button
    [fix] temporal support of ShowIP add-on (dev needs to add support for other toolbars)
    [fix] Win8 + tabs not on top: more tweaks on tab toolbar in maximized mode

    [change] Windows/Linux: addon bar appearance and addon bar button (more like on pre-Australis)
    [change] double click opens new tab: urlbar focus

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta20…torer/versions/

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    [new Fx31+] tab close option: on tab toolbars 'start' (=before tabs)
    [new] option: hide movable back/forward buttons history popup on mouse press
    [new] Windows option: hide navigation toolbars background (mainly for AeroGlass)*1
    [new] Windows option: hide bookmark toolbars background (mainly for AeroGlass)
    [new] Windows option: bookmark toolbars top border (mainly for AeroGlass) *1
    [fix] Windows: searchbar height, if moved to add-ons bar
    [fix] Linux + mov. back/forward button: recent position changes by Mozilla

    *1 Using both together on Windows AeroGlass with 'tabs not on top' simulates
    the pre-Australis 'tabs not on top' ui. CTR achieves this with a couple of
    combined different options (just in case people want to have more control
    of this feature(s)).


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta21…torer/versions/

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    [update] French translation (thanks to David V.)
    [new] Japanese translation by momdo
    [fix] partly reverted latest addon bar changes. They caused too much trouble
    [fix] Linux + tabs not on top + fullscreen view: upper toolbars did not appear on hover
    [fix] double click to open new tab: excluded tab scroll-/toolbar buttons
    [change] various issues reported on Mozillazine forums

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9beta22…torer/versions/

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    [new] zh-TW translation (thanks to Shyayngs)
    [new] Japanese translation (thanks to Momdo)
    [update] French translation (thanks to David V.)
    [fix] MacOSX + OS titlebar + tabs not on top + inactive window: nav-bar
    [fix Fx31+] Windows + mov. b/f button: urlbar padding
    [fix] partly reverted latest addon bar changes. They caused too much trouble
    [fix] Linux + tabs not on top + fullscreen view: upper toolbars did not appear on hover
    [fix] double click to open new tab: excluded tab scroll-/toolbar buttons
    [change] various issues reported on Mozillazine forums

    v1.1.9beta21 did not contain the correct files, so its changelog applies to this build too


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.1.9 Finale Version…torer/versions/

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    !!! IMPORTANT !!!
    This version introduces new item and toolbar ids requested by AMO Editors.
    This means toolbar configuration gets reset and all CTR items are moved to their previous location (like on first install).

    Use customizing mode to move items to toolbars again.
    Affected by this change:
    - all buttons added by this add-on
    - both toolbars added by this add-on (add-on bar / additional toolbar)
    - all items added to add-on bar / additional toolbar

    Please keep in mind: I had to change the ids.

    There is also a mini FAQ on support forums thread for recurring questions.

    Forecastfox: If Forecastfox refuses to appear after restart, try to delete "forecastfox.sqlite" from profile folder. It will then reappear inside CTRs status-bar item, if movable status-bar is enabled.

    !!! IMPORTANT !!!

    Thanks to all supporters and donators.
    [locale] zh-TW translation added (thanks to Shyayngs)
    [locale] ja-JP translation added (thanks to Momdo)
    [locale] French translation updated (thanks to David V.)
    [locale] Italian translation updated (thanks to gialloporpora)
    (not all locales may not be complete, feel free to report errors)

    [new Fx31+] tab close option: on tab toolbars 'start' (=before tabs)
    [new] option: hide movable back/forward buttons history popup on mouse press
    [new] Windows option: hide navigation toolbars background (mainly for AeroGlass)*1
    [new] Windows option: hide bookmark toolbars background (mainly for AeroGlass)
    [new] Windows option: bookmark toolbars top border (mainly for AeroGlass) *1
    [new Fx31+] tab close options: default, active only, none, on tab toolbars end
    [new] option: movable panel menu button (option allows to use the non-movalbe)
    [new] option: increase add-on bars height (if not empty)
    [new] option: hide zomm-reset button on toolbars
    [new] option: restore empty favicon
    [new] button: history menu button (for those who dislike the history panel view button)
    [new] Windows option: double click on titlebars appbutton closes Fx
    [new Fx31+] option: disable panel animation
    [new] option: remove menubars transparency (OS titlebar + tabs not on top) (Win7/8)
    [new] option: remove menubars menu background (AeroGlass/Win8)

    [fix] WinXP + small button view: star button, urlbar, forward button
    [fix] MacOSX + OS titlebar + tabs not on top + inactive window: nav-bar
    [fix Fx31+] Windows + mov. b/f button: urlbar padding
    [fix] partly reverted latest addon bar changes. They caused too much trouble
    [fix] Linux + tabs not on top + fullscreen view: upper toolbars did not appear on hover
    [fix] double click to open new tab: excluded tab scroll-/toolbar buttons
    [fix] Windows: searchbar height, if moved to add-ons bar
    [fix] Linux + mov. back/forward button: recent position changes by Mozilla
    [fix] recent beta builds broke movable panel menu button in some cases
    [fix] Windows + small button view: glitch if the last button was a menu button
    [fix] temporal support of ShowIP add-on (dev needs to add support for other toolbars)
    [fix] Win8 + tabs not on top: more tweaks on tab toolbar in maximized mode
    [fix] Win XP/8/Vista&7(AeroBasic) + tabs not on top: tab toolbar glitch in maximized mode
    [fix] CTR prefwindow: some options did not hide correctly
    [fix] appbutton on add-on bar: altered popup position to not close browser by accident
    [fix] themes; CTRs history/bookmarks menu buttons on nav-bar
    [fix] pinned tabs issue with TU and tabs not on top mode
    [fix] mov. b/f button + small button view + rtl locales
    [fix] squared tabs: protected/locked/pinned tabs and TMP/TU addons
    [fix] Windows small button mode: urlbar and star button margins
    [fix] some tweaks for rtl locales
    [fix] Windows + squared tabs: tabs toolbar gap in maximized mode
    [fix] issues with pinned tabs and a few add-ons
    [fix] tabs not on top: pinned tabs clipping (thanks to PimpUigi)
    [fix] WinXP + squared tabs: tabs toolbar glitch
    [fix] Win8 + squared tabs + tabs not on top: pinned tabs glitch
    [fix] MacOSX + mov. b/f button: urlbar glitches
    [fix] Win7/Win8: appmenu colors for third party visual styles
    [fix] navbars iconsize option for all Fx builds (20140415+)
    [fix] remove menubars transparancy (OS titlebar + tabs not on top) (Win7/8)
    [fix] Linux Gtk theme: tab close button image was not always visible
    [fix] MacOSX: history menu button dropmarker
    [fix] PersonalToolbar: bookmarks menu button dropmarker
    [fix Fx30+] Windows + 'small button view': icon stretching
    [fix Fx30+] Windows + 'icon+text mode': icon stretching
    [fix Fx31+] Windows + small nav-bar buttons: icon sizes
    [fix] squared tabs + 'Private Tab' add-on
    [fix] MacOSX + 'tabs not on top': nav-bar/tabs toolbar visibility in html5 fullscreen videos
    [fix] MacOSX: high res. icons for Retina (thanks to bsiegel for testing)
    [fix] star-button in urlbar: hide on typing, restore on switching tabs/content loading
    [fix] tabs not on top + Aero: tabs toolbar left/right borders
    [fix] MacOSX: high res. icons for Retina (tests/feedback needed)

    [change] various issues/glitches reported on Mozillazine forums
    [change] Windows/Linux: addon bar appearance and addon bar button (more like on pre-Australis)
    [change] double click opens new tab: urlbar focus
    [change] default toolbar order is now: nav-bar -> additional bar -> bookmarks bar (more like on pre-Australis)
    [change Fx 31+] previous option to show close button on all tabs not needed anymore
    [change] Windows + maximized mode: tweaks for appbutton and tabs
    [change] switching themes (default->third party->default) only disables tab color settings now
    [change] tweaks on appmenus submenu popups
    [change] removed some temporary fixes which are not required anymore
    [change] small button view + star-button in urlbar left/right space
    [change] space between tabs and appbutton in maximized mode
    [change] space appmenu icon in titlebar and menubar
    [change] help menu min-width
    [change] almost all CTR ids changed (requested by AMO editors) *2
    [change] 'compact panel menus' option removes unicorn animation from empty panel ui menu
    [change] css tweaks for rtl locales
    [change] option to open 'new tab' on double click checks 'browser.newtab.url'
    [change] some option strings on CTRs prefwindow
    [change] Windows Aero visual style: appmenu tweaks for themes
    [change] prefwindow 'special tweaks tab': some settings got reordered
    [change] tab not on top: tweaks on squared tabs
    [change] small button view tweaks for Windows 7/8
    [change] option: double click on titlebars appbutton closes current window now
    [change] 'white tab separators/white tab buttons' are two options now
    [change] MacOSX + 'tabs not on top': slightly brighter tabs toolbar for inactive windows
    [change] Windows + small icon view: minor tweaks

    Thanks to David for sharing the solution to avoid icon stretching.
    The "fix" is enabled by default on Windows.

    *1 Using both together on Windows AeroGlass with 'tabs not on top' simulates
    the pre-Australis 'tabs not on top' ui. CTR achieves this with a couple of
    combined different options (just in case people want to have more control
    of this feature(s)).

    *2 Previous ids were not unique enough.
    Every id/class starting with "ctr_" was renamed to "ctraddon_", so all themes, extensions, userstyles etc. using them have to be updated, sorry.
    Because of this id change, some CTR items might end up in customization palette or at the end of the navigation toolbar.
    They have to be moved back manually to where they were before.
    If "Classic Toolbar Buttons" addon is used with CTR, CTB 1.4.0beta8+ is required to modify this versions buttons.


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta1…torer/versions/

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    [locale] zh-CN localization (thanks to jzhone)
    [change] fixes from 1.1.9 release to have them on beta channel too


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta3…torer/versions/

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    [locale] added correct accesskeys to toolbar context menu (from Fx28)
    [fix] Linux: glitch with checked toolbar buttons
    [fix] compact menu option: left/right padding for bookmarks menu
    [fix] icons+text mode: b/f history dropmarker button icon
    [fix] other glitches reported on Mozillazine forums


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta4…torer/versions/

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    [new] option: white appmenu button color
    [new] option: hide panel menu labels
    [new] option: scrollbars instead of arrows in menupopups
    [new] option: hide all borders for top toolbars
    [fix Fx32+] Windows 7/8: small button view
    [fix] other glitches reported on Mozillazine forums
    [fix] appbutton on titlebar (icon only): gap in maximized mode
    [change] star-button in urlbar now behaves more like pre-Australis
    [change] CTRs prefwindow: reorganized some settings

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta5…torer/versions/

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    [change] tweaks on recently added options to hide toolbar borders
    [change] custom tab colors for squared tabs work with Personas now
    [change] selecting 'appbutton on titlebar' manually switches also to Fx titlebar


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta6…torer/versions/

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    [fix] MacOSX option: toggle menuitem in tools menu
    [fix] wrong label for old tabs in titlebar option *
    --> Firefox titlebar contains appbutton and tabs
    --> OS titlebar contains page info

  • Hinweis:
    Zu Fragen rund um Classic Theme Restorer bitte nicht diesen, sondern den eigens dafür angelegten Diskussionsthread nutzen!

    CTR-Diskussionsthread [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Vielen Dank für das Verständnis!

  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta8…torer/versions/

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    [fix] custom tab colors: textfield for hovered tabs text
    [removed] option: movable panel ui button *
    * it caused to much trouble. Button is movalbe by default like on previous versions.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta7…torer/versions/

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    [locale] French translation updated (thanks to David V.)
    [new] option: reduce space above tabs toolbar (if possible)
    [new] Windows option: alternative color for tabs toolbar (tabs not on top mode)
    [new] option: hide private browsing mask
    [fix] MacOSX + Personas + tabs not on top mode: titlebar padding
    [fix] MacOSX + Personas + tabs not on top mode: toolbar colors
    [change] minor tweaks for first install/run
    [change] tweaks on 'mov. panel menu button' option *
    * Note
    - this change needs extended testing.
    - is the glitch where two menu buttons appear solved?
    - do any new issues regaring this button occur?

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    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta10…torer/versions/

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    [change] TMPs/TUs tab color settings get disabled once on CTRs first run, so people won't see corrupted squared tabs.
    TMPs/TUs settings can be enabled afterwards again and will stay.

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

    Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta7…torer/versions/

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    [locale] French translation updated (thanks to David V.)
    [new] option: reduce space above tabs toolbar (if possible)
    [new] Windows option: alternative color for tabs toolbar (tabs not on top mode)
    [new] option: hide private browsing mask
    [fix] MacOSX + Personas + tabs not on top mode: titlebar padding
    [fix] MacOSX + Personas + tabs not on top mode: toolbar colors
    [change] minor tweaks for first install/run
    [change] tweaks on 'mov. panel menu button' option *
    * Note
    - this change needs extended testing.
    - is the glitch where two menu buttons appear solved?
    - do any new issues regaring this button occur?

    [Blockierte Grafik:]

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    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta10…torer/versions/

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    [change] TMPs/TUs tab color settings get disabled once on CTRs first run, so people won't see corrupted squared tabs.
    TMPs/TUs settings can be enabled afterwards again and will stay.

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    Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta9…torer/versions/

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    [fix] Win8 + small button view: 1px glitch below navigation toolbar
    [fix] Windows + squared tabs: gap at toolbars end, if newtab button/tab was removed *1
    [change] added a link to versions page on CTR prefwindow
    [change] TMPs/TUs tab color settings get disabled once CTRs tabs are used *2
    *1 experimental tweak, which gets reverted, if it causes trouble (needs testing)
    *2 switch to Australis default tabs to use other add-ons tab color settings

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    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta11…torer/versions/

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    [locale] zh-CN localization updated (thanks to jzhone)
    [fix] large icons option: forward button
    [fix] TreeStyleTabs glitch cased by recent beta changes
    [change] some previously hidden settings are now visible *
    * some options won't change anything in some cases...
    There are just too many cases out there:
    - on/off: tabs on top
    - on/off: Firefox titlebar
    - on/off: Persona (theme)
    - OS default/classic/custom theme

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    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
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  • Classic Theme Restorer Version 1.2.0beta12…torer/versions/

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    [locale] pt-BR translation (thanks to Claudio)
    [locale] French translation updated (thanks to David V.)
    [locale] ja-JP translation updated (thanks to Momdo)

    [change] separate color options for unread and unloaded tabs
    [change] tabs not on top mode: tab-dropmarkers arrow position
    [change] Win7Aero + squared tabs (v1): pinned tabs notification color
    [change] minor tweaks on small button mode
    [change] preference window: added more text info
    [change] improved compatibility wiht PersoanlMenu add-on v6.2.0b2+
    [change] squared tabs v1 + tabs not on top + ColorfulTabs: removed white line above tab strip

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