Die neue Beta-Version uBlock Origin 1.14.17rc2 ist erschienen!
A new setting has been added in the Privacy section of the Settings pane in the dashboard: "Block CSP reports". Default is un-checked. Rationale for this new setting: issue #3150. Documentation for this new setting: Block CSP reports.
Small improvements to the element picker on touch-aware devices:
The picker dialog box is now rendered with a minimal width.
After you pick an element, if the picker dialog box is...
Swiping right will hide it.
Not visible...
Swiping left or touching it will un-hide it.
Swiping right will quit element picker mode.
Closed as fixed:
Static-filtering: $object_subrequest blocking method
uBO is blocking legitimate CSP reports
Move pseudo-user stylesheets out of contentscript.js
Die neuesten Versionen und Informationen gibt es immer hier:
[b]Diskussionen und Fragen zu ublock Origin bitte nur im
uBlock Origin Ad-Blocker - Diskussionsthread posten.
Vielen Dank!