The book of Mozilla

  • Hallo!
    ich hab da mal ne frage zum Book of mozilla (in der browserzeile about:mozilla eingeben)
    gibts da noch meher als die 3 Texte, die ich da gefunden habe?
    ich find das nämlich irgendwie witzig!

  • And some friends of the foxy red ONE were askin' : where may we get more words out of the Book of Mozilla? And look, there cometh a mighty sourcerer and sayeth : Go ! Looketh around the web and you'll find what you're searching for. But those who did't know how to search the web died in awful dispair without knowledge.

    from: The Book of Questions and Answers, 1:22


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

    Wer das Denken nicht attackieren kann -- attackiert den Denkenden / Teppfihler ? pat.pend.

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von _hb_ (23. Januar 2005 um 04:32)

  • ich hab das web durchsucht! hab aber nicht mehr gefunden als die 3 oder 4 texte! oder wie lässt sich das andere deuten, mit denen, die nicht wissen, wie man das web durchsucht?

    14 And the Lizard spake, saying, Windows shall I support, and Macintosh, and the divers flavours of Unix; yea, even unto the latest effluvium from the Gates of Hell shall I spread my seed: this it pleaseth me to do.
    15 But OS/2 shall I ignore, for in sooth nobody useth it.
    16 Then was the land filled with the sound of much wailing and gnashing of teeth, for millions of people used OS/2 and knew that it was good. Yet the Lizard did harden his heart against them, and said, Nay, there is no demand for it.
    17 And the Blue One did create an Explorer of the Web, yet updated it slowly, and documented it poorly, and it was filled with a plague of locusts.
    18 And those that followed the Lizard became enamoured of Frames, and wrote pages which could not be read by the Lizard's brethren, for the lemmings were lazy, saying only: Verily, thy browser doth suck. Thou may'st obtain the Lizard's hence.
    19 Then it came to pass that the Blue One made a pact with the Lizard, that the Lizard should work its artifice for the sake of the Ancient Sorcerer. And a reference to the Lizard's wares was placed atop the Sorcerer's desk, that he might obtain it whenever he desired.
    20 But the number of the work the Lizard gave unto the Sorcerer was Two, and the Greek sigil Beta was affixed to the number, yet all the rest of the Lizard's minions were given the number Three.
    21 And lo, the Lizard's work was itself filled with locusts, and verily did it consume the Sorcerer's disk space whenever it was used, and it did mightily crash his system full oft.
    22 And the Lizard named several of the locusts, and regarding one the Lizard said, The <blink> tag worketh not. Whereupon the users hearing this were sore amazed, and said they one unto another, Verily, that is no bug, but a feature to be highly praised while it lasteth.

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

    Wer das Denken nicht attackieren kann -- attackiert den Denkenden / Teppfihler ? pat.pend.

  • An enormous sigh of relief resounds throughout all of Mozillaland.
    Sounds of rejoicing are heard from all corners of the Earth. "They
    have conquered the beast!" the voices cry.
    And the dimensions remain constant 'till the end of days.
    - from The Book Of Mozilla, 7:24

    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

    Wer das Denken nicht attackieren kann -- attackiert den Denkenden / Teppfihler ? pat.pend.

  • Zitat von agib

    ich hab das web durchsucht! hab aber nicht mehr gefunden als die 3 oder 4 texte! oder wie lässt sich das andere deuten, mit denen, die nicht wissen, wie man das web durchsucht?

    And one of the followers of the foxy red ONE asketh : I do not understand the words of yours?
    So the sourcerer came back and whispered : The big google may be your friend .. why not go and ask him about "The Book of Mozilla" and follow the links. Follow those which giveth you knowledge of the language of the web and you'll find what you're searching in vain.


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

    Wer das Denken nicht attackieren kann -- attackiert den Denkenden / Teppfihler ? pat.pend.

  • And when the dark hours of the night were gone, the mighty sorcerer came back and said : Now .. have a look at these, which I found by searchin again the endless web :

    Lo, the bird of fire was magnificent! But a roiling storm was brewing to the south, and dark clouds loomed on the horizon. The bird knew a grim conflict was close at hand and that it could not triumph in its current form. It sat very still, contemplating the situation. Suddenly, in a flash of light and flame, the bird took the form of a great fox the likes of which had never been seen in this land. The dark clouds were scattered to the wind. And all who witnessed this spectacle were awed by its power.

    from The Book of Mozilla, 8:10


    And there was a great commotion among the believers and nonbelievers alike, for they saw a great fox of fire and knew not its true nature. But just then a faithful believer extended his hand, and offered a gift to the fiery fox. And the fox was enabled to show its true nature as an ever-changing being, and it turned into a great oyster of power. And the oyster opened its shell, revealing a dazzling pearl to all who would look upon it.

    from The Book of Mozilla - Extended Edition, 8:12



    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; de; rv: Gecko/20060728 Firefox/

    Wer das Denken nicht attackieren kann -- attackiert den Denkenden / Teppfihler ? pat.pend.