Liste der "about:" Befehle

  • Bei Firebird, auch bei 0.8 (verwende aktuellen Build von heute, siehe sigline), scheints kein about:about zu geben. Mein Mozilla 1.6 kann das aber und liefert folgende Liste:

    Welche davon in Firebird funktionieren, hab ich noch nicht getestet.

    Viele Grüße . . . Martin

    In a world without walls and fences, who needs windows and gates?
    - - -
    Kein Support per PN oder email!

  • Es gibt auch noch:


    Dort erscheint dann folgender Text:

    And so at last the beast fell and the unbelievers rejoiced. But all was not lost, for from the ash rose a great bird. The bird gazed down upon the unbelievers and cast fire and thunder upon them. For the beast had been reborn with its strength renewed, and the followers of Mammon cowered in horror.

    from The Book of Mozilla, 7:15

    Wenn man sich die Erweiterung Firesomething 1.1.4 installiert hat, kann man sich auch noch diese "about's" anzeigen lassen:


    Lo, the bird of fire was magnificent! But a roiling storm was brewing to the south, and dark clouds loomed on the horizon. The bird knew a grim conflict was close at hand and that it could not triumph in its current form. It sat very still, contemplating the situation. Suddenly, in a flash of light and flame, the bird took the form of a great fox the likes of which had never been seen in this land. The dark clouds were scattered to the wind. And all who witnessed this spectacle were awed by its power.

    from The Book of Mozilla, 8:10


    And there was a great commotion among the believers and nonbelievers alike, for they saw a great fox of fire and knew not its true nature. But just then a faithful believer extended his hand, and offered a gift to the fiery fox. And the fox was enabled to show its true nature as an ever-changing being, and it turned into a great oyster of power. And the oyster opened its shell, revealing a dazzling pearl to all who would look upon it.

    from The Book of Mozilla - Extended Edition, 8:12

    Hier noch die gesamten Features von Firesomething 1.1.4:

    * Modifies the product name in the browser titlebar, Help menu, and About dialog titlebar.
    * Generates random names using multiple name lists.
    * Allows you to have a new name generated for each browser window, or use the same name for all windows.
    * Optionally modifies the browser's User-Agent string to reflect your custom browser name.
    * Allows you to quickly modify the image in the About dialog.
    * Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+` (grave accent) in the browser window generates a new product name.
    * Adds about:firefox and about:firesomething, newly discovered passages from the Book of Mozilla.

    Quelle 1
    Quelle 2

    Greetz, Nemo. :wink: