Hallo Leute
Mich wundert fast, dass ich im Forum gar nix zu dem Thema gefunden habe (oder ich hab falsch gesucht):
ZitatBug# 303806 [Firefox] - Wallpaper patch for better appearance on Windows XP / Luna [Win]
* It is hideous on XP Classic, Windows 2000 and Win 98.
* Javascript console was forgotten to be patched
* as well as a bug with the sanitize settings window (See Bug# 303806 Comment# 83)
* Most business/schools still use Windows 2000 and even a lot of businesses use XP with classic menus. The company I work for runs XP with classic menus and we have roughly 110,000 computers worldwide. Granted all of them don't use Firefox but the majority of our U.S. officies do.
Was haltet ihr davon?