Mit der Erweiterung Firesomething 1.1.4 lässt sich die About Box auch ohne Code-Eintrag und ohne den Browser neustarten zu müssen ganz einfach per Upload ändern.
Weitere Features der Ex, sind:
* Modifies the product name in the browser titlebar, Help menu, and About dialog titlebar.
* Generates random names using multiple name lists.
* Allows you to have a new name generated for each browser window, or use the same name for all windows.
* Optionally modifies the browser's User-Agent string to reflect your custom browser name.
* Allows you to quickly modify the image in the About dialog.
* Keyboard shortcut Ctrl+` (grave accent) in the browser window generates a new product name.
* Adds about:firefox and about:firesomething, newly discovered passages from the Book of Mozilla.