Die Extension besteht aus einem Egg-Timer mit drei Einstellungen, um das perfekte Ei nach Ihrem Geschmack zu kochen. Passend zur Osterzeit.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://rely.ca/eggon/images/eggon100.png]
Zitat von <woltlab-metacode-marker data-name=
EggOn!" data-link="">
EggOn! is a Firefox extension for cooking the perfect egg. EggOn has three settings, so you can cook perfect eggs according to your tastes. Yes, EggOn! is essentially an egg timer for your web browser.
EggOn 0.1.1 has been released, it is now compatible with Firefox 1.5!!!
Big ups to team member Jordie for dragging us back to the future.
[Blockierte Grafik: http://img215.imageshack.us/img215/3636/firefoxbutton8us.png]
Gruß, gammaburst