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Wishbone Ash --- Phoenix (Live)² (Vocals: Mart, Bonustrack)
sponsored by:
Argus[Blockierte Grafik: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/fxmzfnbk/__dance.gif]
² Bonus Tracks from their Live From Memphis Promotional EP
Bruce Springsteen - Lonesome Day - [The Rising]
Moon Safari -
Diorama - All that Matters
Bozen Brass Quintet
Wishbone Ash --- Jail Bait (Live)² (Vocals: Mart, Bonustrack)
sponsored by:
Argus[Blockierte Grafik: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/fxmzfnbk/__dance.gif]
² Bonus Tracks from their Live From Memphis Promotional EP
Michael Jackson - Speed Demon - [Bad]
Dido - Closer
Kings Of Leon - Closer - [Only By The Night]
Ashbury Heights - World coming Down
Helloween - Coming To Life - [Horror Fire]
VNV Nation - Honour 2003
Nuuk - Flesh
Metallica - All Within My Hands - [St. Anger]
Wishbone Ash --- Throw Down The Sword (Vocals: Mart + Andy, Track 07)
sponsored by:
Argus[Blockierte Grafik: http://img5.imagebanana.com/img/fxmzfnbk/__dance.gif]
Hassan Annouri - Hoffnung - Album The International
Faithless - Everything will be alright Tomorrow
Kenny G. feat. George Benson -