Tipp für eBay-Nutzer: Feedbackfox

  • Ich bin gerade auf eine interessante Erweiterung für eBay-Nutzer gestoßen, Feedbackfox zeigt die Bewertungen eines eBay-Mitglieds in der Sidebar an und erlaubt auch die Filterung nach negativen oder neutralen Bewertungen.

    Zitat von feedbackfox.mozdev.org

    A sidebar integrated feedback filter for ebay users.
    Input a username and get a colored list with up to 5000 feedback comments (by enter button 'GO!') or alternatively get only the positive, neutral, negative or withdrawn feedback. In this case Feedbackfox gets all comments that are available for the last 12 months.
    It runs quite fast and you'll quickly receive an impression of any user (seller or buyer) you're interested in. Single click on a feedback row will open the item side in a new tab of the browser.

    New Feature: If Feedbackfox discovers any ebay item view or bid history the context menu of the browser will be extended by all user names the current site contains. Choose a name and get the related feedback (sidebar will open automatically if necessary).

    Supported Languages: English, German, Spanish

