ZitatDIST-001b Distribution Configuation Ability to lock in branding (cannot be uninstalled easily) Dan Mills P1 FR Distributors…01b_-_Uninstall
ZitatDIST-001b - Uninstall
"Ability to lock in branding (cannot be uninstalled easily)".
hopefully i'm just misunderstanding this comment, but...
i noticed this on the Firefox3/Product Requirements Document in the distribution section. is this a good idea? I thought firefox was supposed to stay away from the bad ideas of IE...
my suggestion is to make it easy as hell to uninstall. make people use it because they like it, not because it's difficult to uninstall, and integrates into the users system so that firefox can "lock in branding".
Soll das heißen, z.B. die Datenkraken liefern den Firefox künftig mit ihren Suchleisten aus, und wenn diese deinstalliert werden (falls das überhaupt noch geht) bleibt der Firefox trotzdem mit dem Markenzeichen des Datenkraken gebrandmarkt
Gruß gammaburst