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October 16th, 2007
LeaksOne of the trickiest problems in browser engineering is integrating memory management schemes across languages. Usually, there is a host language, such as C++, C, or Objective-C, and JavaScript. In many circumstances, the host language is reference counted, while the JavaScript implementation is garbage collected (GC).
For Firefox 4, we’re moving towards GC for all but the most performance-sensitive pieces of code, using high performance code donated to the Mozilla project by Adobe/Macromedia. For Firefox 3, we’ll use a cycle collector to improve our memory management in comparison to Firefox 2.
We’re also increasing our level of automated defect detection in this area. Jesse Ruderman has been developing ever more advanced fuzzers for leak and security testing. His stuff is getting really scary. We’re also parallelizing leak testing by running leak check scripts on Amazon EC2. EC2 lets us run many parallel leak checking machines against a randomly generated selection of websites. This is great, because we find problems in pages that testers and engineers probably wouldn’t look at. For instance, http://www.golfballoutlet.com no longer leaks.
Ein Problem ist, die Speicherverwaltung in die verschiedenen Programmiersprachen einzubeziehen.
Der Firefox durchläuft schon eine große Zahl an automatischen Tests, so daß "löchriger Code" schneller oder überhaupt erst gefunden werden kann.
Gruß gammaburst