Gelöst - Stylish 1.0.6 mit Bug?

  • Hallo,

    mit der neuen Stylish Version funktionieren bei mir manche Stile nicht mehr.

    Kann das jemand bestätigen?
    Melde das dann ggfs dem Autor

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    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von Der Hacker (20. August 2009 um 09:15)

  • Hallo Der Hacker

    Habe das selbe Problem.
    Im Stylish Forum…9&page=1#Item_0
    schreibt der Autor folgendes:

    Previous to 1.0.6, Stylish was mistakenly removing line breaks from styles. Normally, this doesn't have an effect, but it did make it so that if you had data URIs with line breaks in them, they worked, when in reality Firefox doesn't support that. Stylish 1.0.6 fixed that, and so "broke" some styles. All the styles on were updated to fix this, but your style isn't hosted on the site so it didn't get the automatic fix.


    Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64; rv:136.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/136.0
    OS: Windows 10 pro 64 bit und Windows 10 Home 64 bit
    Meine Scripte Sammlung:
    Kein Support per PN. Fragen bitte im Forum stellen!

  • Zitat

    Previous to 1.0.6, Stylish was mistakenly removing line breaks from styles. Normally, this doesn't have an effect, but it did make it so that if you had data URIs with line breaks in them, they worked, when in reality Firefox doesn't support that. Stylish 1.0.6 fixed that, and so "broke" some styles. All the styles on were updated to fix this, but your style isn't hosted on the site so it didn't get the automatic fix.

    Man muss aber die betroffenen Stile neu installieren, über die update funktion funzt das nicht!

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