Falls sich jemand wundert, das o.a. Erweiterung nicht funktioniert.
Habe James gestern eine Mail geschrieben und ihn auf dieses Problem hingewiesen. Hier seine Antwort:
ZitatThanks for your e-mail. It looks like deviantART has re-organised slightly so the smilies are now located in a different place. I'll release a new version reflecting the changes as soon as I can.
Keep Smiling,
James Baker
Edit 12:04 Uhr
Soeben erhalten...
ZitatAn updated version has been submitted to Mozilla Addons, and will be available to download as soon as it's approved (though I believe you can download it from the sandbox before that).
Sandbox Downloadlink Smiley Xtra 5.03
Diese Version funktioniert wieder....
[Blockierte Grafik: http://fc09.deviantart.com/fs7/i/2005/250/9/5/_ManyThanks__by_vita_luna.gif]