Plugin, dass den Quelltext automatisch durchsucht

  • hallöchen,

    ich würde gerne wissen, ob es ein plugin für firefox gibt, dass den quelltext einer jeden website, die ich aufrufe, automatisch nach einem vorher definierten text durchsucht und mich gegebenenfalls warnt.

    hintergrund: mir wurde vor kurzem näher gebracht, dass es im internet organisationen gibt (namentlich clicktale) die das benutzer-verhalten auf websiten vollständig aufzeichnen, was mir persönlich nicht recht ist. solche seiten würde ich gerne meiden, am besten mit unterstützung des firefox.

    danke für hinweise...


  • Link


    23 December, 2010 17:01
    On Monday, an AFP report stated that Firefox 4, which is due for release in early 2011, would include a 'do not track' privacy option to foil behavioural advertising.
    Behavioural or targeted advertising products track a user's behaviour online, and serve ads based on the user's perceived interests.
    Tristan Nitot, president of Mozilla Europe, [...] said there is a good chance that web pages would not load properly if a user has the blocker enabled. The multiplicity of sites that track user behaviour, added to the number of ways users can be tracked, means that blocking user tracking can break web pages.

    Firefox already allows users to block some forms of behavioural advertising, Nitot said. Firefox extensions including NoScript — a Flash, Java, and JavaScript blocker — and Adblock Plus can mitigate tracking. Users can also sign up to Taco, an opt-out list that advertisers voluntarily follow, Nitot added. These plug-ins will be also available with Firefox 4.

    A Mozilla spokeswoman told ZDNet UK on Thursday that the privacy option was just one approach and not a 'comprehensive solution' for privacy on the web.
    "[Do not track] will need to work for the two billion people on the web today and will require collaboration across the entire ecosystem, from users to web developers and anyone interested in creating an open and participatory way for users to control their web experience," the spokeswoman added. "And once defined, we will ship that solution as part of Firefox."

    The privacy mechanism has support from US regulators. On 1 December the FTC issued a report (PDF) supporting a 'do not track' option for site users.

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